Monday, October 19, 2015

Christer Grifter Rev. Rafael “Tom Ripley” Cruz Being Distanced From By Thesbian “Son” Senator “Ted” Cruz’s Campaign.

The tale of he said, she said, he-she said of the so-called Rev. Rafael Cruz, alledged NF (natural father) of Actor and Joker Texas Senator Ted Cruz, unfolds as Trump Truth(s) floods the stable of the GOP party.

He is a Dominionist, devoted to a movement that finds in Genesis a mandate that “men of faith” seize control of public institutions and govern by biblical principle. He fluidly quotes long passages of the Bible when he preaches at big-box churches or addresses large Republican audiences….

Until it folded in 2014, Purifying Fire was a Costa Mesa, Calif., ministry owned by Suzanne Hinn, the divorced (then remarried) wife of faith healer Benny Hinn. A spokesman for the Cruz presidential campaign said Rev. Cruz has never been associated with the Hinns, but “used the Purifying Fire name for a while then he dropped it.”

“Pastor at a church in Dallas” isn’t exactly right either, although according to the campaign: “You don’t have to have a church to be a pastor.”…

Kingdom Translation Services Inc. has been registered with the Texas Secretary of State since 2012, with a billing address in an apartment complex in a Dallas suburb. It has no working website or listed phone number. “It is Rev. Cruz’s one-man translation service,” according to the campaign.


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