Sunday, October 25, 2015

Baby Boomies vs. Burb Babies – Tea Party Generation Against Their American Neighbors – “Who is the Tea Party Anyway?”

From a conversation on Facebook involving the question of “who is the Tea Party” in relation to their approval of Paul Ryan via the "Freedom Caucus", unofficial wing of the Tea Party– “Burb Baby Generation”.

Friend: The biggest problem with the Tea Party is...who are they to decide who is worthy? What big balls.

Friend: “I'll say this again...note their year of birth. there is something gone haywire with these dudes born in the 60's. Not only that most if not all never had to struggle in an urban environment”

Me: “Burb babies. First generation of Uber moms driving soccer champs all over the Eisenhower highways. Lol”

Friend: “You may have hit on that as the answer


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