Sunday, September 27, 2015

Bad Catholic Boys on Supreme Court Boycott Pope Francis’ Message to Congress

Half the Catholic Supreme Court - Scalia - Thomas - Alito Dissed Pope Franics.

Guinea Scalia gives no respect to fellow Guinea Bergoglio. Mama Mia!

Bad Catholic Boys (more catholic than the pope?) on Supreme Court Scalia, Thomas and Alito Boycotted Pope Francis’ Message to Congress – Hanging out behind the woodshed smoking Pot or in Clarence Thomas’ basement going through his world class collection of pornography?  Lol

They had front row seats to hear Netanyahu’s GOP endorsed hate speech against the Muslims when he addressed a similar Joint Session of the Congress.

Pope Francis speaks against
the rich robbing from the poor.
against war, against execution

Is that why US Supreme Court justices
Scalia, Thomas, and Alito did not attend
the Pope's inspiring elocution? 


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