Friday, April 10, 2015

Wife-beater or "Vest" Sweaters about to make fashion comeback w/ Rick Santorum testing the froth of a 2016 Prez Race run. lol

Wife-beater or "Vest" Sweaters about to make fashion comeback w/ Rick Santorum testing the froth of a 2016 Prez Race run. lol


1 comment:

  1. The fact that he got two terms out of Pennsylvania and didn't even bother to live there says so much about our bankrupt political system.(and its lack of connection with people anymore) He is Opus Dei - St Catherine of Sienna parish Great Falls Va, same parish as Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas. He makes his kids go to mass everyday. Best way to insure a future atheist and another ranatic turd like Rick. lol
