Thursday, August 28, 2014

NRA women Susan LaPierre and Suzie Brewster – Who Tweeted About Fun and Games With Guns for Kids?

NRA Women - is that Nature or Nurture or Praise Smith and Wesson and Remington and pass the ammunition kiddies?

I also see that Lord Cooke – (@CharlesCWCooke) has been answering a steady stream of calm questions from calm NRA syncophant followers all day over there at his tweet board following his paying ? Masters at the NRA party line about nine year olds and UZIs. Calm. Stiff upper Lip. Jackpot.

And the “two NRA Susans” Suzie Brewster and Susan LaPierre are preparing for that the NRA Women’s “Leadership Conference” (Photo below.)

We're excited to announce the extraordinary line-up of confirmed keynote speakers and panelists who will be joining us over the course of the weekend, including:
·        Governor Mary Fallin of Oklahoma
·        Representative Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee
·        Carly Fiorina, former HP CEO, politician and organizer of the conservative "War On Women" campaign
·        S.E. Cupp, columnist and co-host of CNN's Crossfire
·        Dana LoeschThe Blaze journalist and on-air host
·        Katie Pavlich, blogger and author
·        And many more!

AND! Christ! Wow! S.E.Cupp Too! (below) – An NRA Women Leader?

One has to wonder who sent the tweet about seven ways kids can enjoy gun ranges in response to the 9 year old girl’s UZI lesson at a Burger and Bullets franchise firing range in Arizona that offed the instructor  - oops – by mistake – collateral damage in the Greedy GUN business – got to break a few eggs to make an omelet and how else is a little tyke going to learn to defend herself from terrorists and or the police and or the Negros in Ferguson Missouri? (NO-LOL)


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