Monday, August 18, 2014

Broken America – Ferguson Missouri - Murder by The State

America is going nowhere fast. A half a century after the basic struggles for civil rights of African Americans in federal legislation lags behind and is basically forgotten all across the old Jim Crow South with new restrictive voter right acts designed to impede voting by the young, the old and along the color line.

While I would not like to be confronted by a gorilla sized petty thug like Michael Brown in Ferguson Missouri, I do not understand how in a so-called civilized country how a cop can lose an entire clip of bullets in pursuit and summary execution of a “Jaywalker” “blocking traffic” in the streets of Ferguson Missouri. 

How a cop who kills a eighteen year old kid can blow town and go to Disney World for some R & R and not face the music of his actions while the local Ferguson PD is doing everything in its power to obscure the real issue here – the murder of a Black American citizen by a cop with a license to kill - is way beyond my pay grade.

Some facts are emerging why there is a town like Ferguson with 70% black population and a 90% white police force. The cops do not have to live in Ferguson. They have no investment or interest in the community. It is just a job. The people of Ferguson obviously do not count in their Ayn Rand like equation of life.

That in a period of as little as 15-20 years, the demographics, for whatever reason, went from white to black. Which makes me think that at least half of the white policemen on Ferguson’s police force started in a white town and now are just, in this suck ass American economy, just holding on for a pension no matter what it takes in terms of keeping loyal only to the core brotherhood of cops. 

Cops who in recent years have been outfitted with Pentagon war materials and dress for occupying a foreign country to push a corporate agenda and not the human agenda. That dressed in aggressive warlike kit and gear only makes our domestic police more of an occupying force in our local communities.  It is a serious disconnect from reality but what a paradigm shift of the importance of a global corporate spreadsheet philosophy over people and or humanity – what that really means when you look at it honestly.

I do not like outside people like the Reverend Al Sharpton, a snake oil meal ticket for life preacher type showing up on the scene. If African Americans have no better leaders to look to, perhaps it is time to pack up and move back to Africa for a better deal in having someone look out for your interests in the decimated and tribe warring and corporate resource gutted continent of Africa that is presently on the world stage. 

It is the same type of corporate culture of greed and inhumanity that sent so many into slavery in the first place starting four hundred years ago. A vicious circle perhaps.

Nobody can represent your interests on an individual scale or a cultural scale other than yourself. It is time for African-Americans to gather together, to work and vote their way out of poverty and ignorance like every other slice of American culture and their ongoing struggle of such.  


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