Thursday, May 15, 2014

Souvenir - World Trade Center – Dish 6 ¼” Diameter – Tall Ships Bar – Vista Hotel – February 1983

6-1/4" Plate - Tall Ships Bar - Vista Hotel - World Trade Center NYC - 1983

I see that the WTC "911" museum is about to open at the New World Trade Center.

Admission charge $25.00 (Freedom ain’t free folks.)

Burgers, Fries and Cokes available in the Visitors Gift Shop and Food Court???

I have my own memories and a piece of the old Tall Ships Bar of the Vista Hotel, part of Hilton (later a Marriott on 9-11-2001).

Memories of drinks with friends. Not memories of chaos and death. 

Watched them build the hotel piece by piece from across the street at Bankers Trust Plaza 130 Liberty Street when I worked there. 

Source: New York Magazine  28 Nov 1983 - page 145

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