Ken Cuccinelli and Rick Santorum, two sides of the same Sharia Coin |
The church ladies in Virginia have the age of consent at 18 years of
age. Virginia is surrounded by North Carolina, West Virginia and Maryland where
the age of consent is 16.
The ancient definitions of sodomy is technically anything but
straight missionary sex and inside a marriage.
Oral sex, Straight or Gay is Technically “Sodomy” by RC Church
Sharia Law.
Cuccinelli is screaming about a 47 year old man propositioning a 17
year old girl for oral sex and states that if a struck down by a federal court
Sodomy law is not reinstated that a bunch of children offenders (age 17? Children)
will go free from prison and lose the stigma of being sex offenders etc.
Maybe Virginia should just lower the age of consent to 16 similar to
other nearby Southern States and Ken Cuccinelli should get the F*** out of our
pants and out of our bedrooms.
Boy these Republicans seem to want to watch too much porn – in our
bedrooms! Free and at our expense?
Ken Cuccinelli and Rick Santorum, two sides of the same wooden nickel
Get a life Ken and get the Santorum out of our lives.