Friday, October 4, 2013

Knuckledragger Governor Tom Corbett of Pennsylvania Spewing His Immature Mishapened Adolescent Views on Sex – No Wonder Jerry Sandusky Got Away with so much Buggering

Believe Me - I Don't Have a Clue

Governor Tom Corbett gets all offended when you mention Jerry Sandusky and his kid glove treatment by then Pennsylvania Attorney General Tom Corbett to Jock Jerry Sandusky and his private sex fetishes.

His babbling on a radio talk show about same sex marriage and incest between a brother and a sister just proves that most Republican politicians from the burbs don’t know jack shit about mature adult sex or mature adult sex situations. 

That most Republicans lack a decent Sex Education class in their eternally trapped in adolescent locker room Jockstrap Sexual Mythologies and are not the adult leaders we need in responsible places of public trust. 

Corbett convened a grand jury in 2009 to investigate longstanding allegations of child sexual abuse by former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky.[10] The grand jury uncovered evidence of criminal misconduct, and a 40-count indictment against Sandusky was issued in 2011, ultimately leading to Sandusky's criminal conviction in 2012. Corbett has been criticized for the three year time span between the grand jury investigation and Sandusky's indictment, and for his gubernatorial staff approving a $3 million grant to Sandusky's Second Mile charity for children, which, according to the grand jury findings, served as a repository for potential sex-abuse victims.[11] Former FBI Director Louis Freeh's report on the Penn State scandal did not fault Corbett's handling of the Sandusky case.[12]

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett (R) likened gay marriage to incest between siblings Friday during an appearance on a morning news show in Harrisburg. 

 The remark went viral and Democrats running to challenge Corbett in 2014 criticized the governor. 

 The governor was speaking about same-sex marriage on WHP-TV when one of the anchors asked about a statement administration lawyers had made in a court filing, comparing the marriage of gay couples to the marriage of children because neither can legally marry in the state. 

 “It was an inappropriate analogy, you know,” Corbett said, according to the Associated Press. “I think a much better analogy would have been brother and sister, don’t you?”


1 comment:

  1. My Governor is a bag of crap. He will be sent packing next election cycle.
