Monday, May 6, 2013

To Bury the Dead – Once a Christian Virtue – American Christian Nation in Tag Only? - Tamerlan Tsarnaev

I have to say that the treatment of the dead regarding Tamerlan Tsarnaev, a dead alleged Chechen American terrorist who can’t get a cemetery to accept his body. That the proper disposal of his mortal remains is mired in hip dip typical American street shit un-Christian politics of late. The politics of Cheney-Obama, torture and drones?

That the secular world is a brutal species but unfortunately still wrapped in the obsolete label, tag, name only grass root tea party abstract concept aka Christianity.

Two things I do not like. 

Names of foreigners like Tamerlan Tsarnaev that I can’t pronounce.

And a so-called Christian Nation???, where burying the dead used to be a virtue if not downright sanitary, from a brain dead nation that prefers to fuck the dead for their alleged crimes in life.

Hell! They even buried Lee Harvey Oswald some place in Texas. Back then we were still a Christian Nation. Half a century ago. Or so the rumor goes.

American White Male Erect Penis (all full three inches of it) Vengeance, cave man values rule in this country these days along with pounding your chest and screaming “I is a Christian living in a Christian nation!”.  

Yeah right.

Have a nice day.


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