Monday, May 13, 2013

Supreme Knight Carl Anderson’s Salary at $1.5 Million for Tax Year 2011 – Pay Package up from $1.2 Million in 2008 - Knights of Columbus

With the very rich national $8.10 per hour average wage at WalMart as goal for the lower wage slave/serfs to aspire to, Knights of Columbus Grand Dragon Carl Anderson’s Religious Business Tax Free Cult is doing rather well these days or at least in 2011 on IRS990 forms.

Carl Anderson – Supreme Knight - $1,488,682 Salary, Bonus, other compensation.

This does not of course cover salary and expenses as a Board Member of the Vatican Bank, a sideline so to speak to help earn a few extra bucks for the electricity bill at home etc.

Some interesting contributions outside the USA for the Knights of Columbus

Form 990 Schedule F Part II – Grants or Entities Outside the United States

Vicarius Christi Fund - $1,583,500 – Gift to the Pope

North America (Canada) “Rise Up” Conference - $19.668 - Youth Evangelization In Canada

Organized by the Companions of the Cross, an Opus Dei type sounding organization

A definition of the beliefs, practices and goals (highlights) of the Companions is:
To give God permission to use the members however He wants.
To seek God's will and follow it.
To surrender fully to Jesus as Lord and Saviour
To regard Eucharist as the source and summit of their Catholic faith, and promoting its Exposition and Adoration.
To be loyal to the Magisterium.
To submit to local bishops.

Funds Distributed in United States


Papal Nuncio Wash DC - $25,692 – Party celebrating anniversary of papal election of Benedict XVI

Beckett Fund - $275,000 – for “Religious Liberties”

Archdiocese of Philadelphia - $70,000 – Operating expenses

Archdiocese of New York - $52,000 – subsidy for the “Catholic Channel” on Sirius Radio

Connecticut Food Bank New Haven - $10,000 – Holiday meals

Proposition 8 Legal Defense Fund - $500,000 – Support…Initiative that defines Marriage

U.S.C.C.B. - $583,675 – Pro-Life Education

U.S.C.C.B. - $255,531 – Defense of Marriage

EWTN TV - $17,500 – Production Costs

K of C Charities USA - $1,900,000 – Improvement of Rome playgrounds (Rome NY?)



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