Thursday, March 7, 2013

Taco Bell – USA Horsemeat Policy – Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell?

Safe at McDonald's? - Good Luck Horsey

The American press/media has kept a lid on the contaminated food chains in Europe whereby Beef Products like the mystery meat filler they put into Taco Bell tacos in the UK is actually mixed with horsemeat.

Just because the Americans don’t want to know, are too dumbed down on Medicaid Pharma test drugs, don’t want to test the filth that does not in many cases have to be labeled as filth on the label of the meat product - 

Does not mean that horse meat or Chinese chickens at KFC gorged on Chinese human feces is not being sold in American supermarkets or fast food outlets like Taco Bell or KFC.

Don’t ask. Don’t tell. Don’t wanna know!

LONDON, March 1 (Reuters) - Britain's food regulator said on Friday that testing had found horsemeat in ground beef at Taco Bell UK fast-food outlets, a discovery that puts new pressure on parent Yum Brands Inc, which is grappling with a food safety scare in China.

Taco Bell said the horsemeat issue is isolated to its UK market, where the Mexican-inspired chain has just three restaurants, and that it will step up testing of its beef.

On Monday, Yum said it would stop using more than 1,000 poultry slaughterhouses in China as it moves to tighten food safety and reverse a sharp drop in business at KFC restaurants in its top market after a scare over contaminated chicken.

Europe's horsemeat scandal erupted in January, when testing in Ireland revealed that some beef products also contained equine DNA.

It since has spread across the continent, ensnaring numerous well-known brands, prompting product withdrawals, consumer concerns and government investigations into the region's complex food-processing chains.

"My big bugbear is food labelling. The Trade Descriptions Act says a product can be named by the last place where something substantial was done to it.

"So we have Chinese chicken fed on human excrement, killed in China and brought to Britain and washed in saline and put in a bag and it becomes British chicken.


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