Sunday, March 17, 2013

St. Patrick’s Day Parade in NYC w/o Cardinal Dolan is like a real St. Patrick’s Day Parade w/o GOP Politics – Dolan a no show – TG ! - still in Rome with all the boys

Let's redo the soundbite on page three - I want to look and sound more Papal

Timmy Dolan is still in Rome celebrating the collateral damage of the Argentine Junta 1976-1983 - i.e. Pope Francis etc.

It was such a relief this year for the airwaves not to be filled with the usual Gay Hate fight of the Manhattan Ubers not allowing gay groups to march under open signs of association.

With Timmy Dolan waiting in the wings to be the second American Pope for the Ubers once Francis retires probably the day after Benedict dies etc. – Dolan was a No Show at this year's Mahattan Parade – Thank God! – for the peace and quiet and no political bullshit over the probably gay Saint Patrick of Ireland and his straight masked, "silk lace" parade in Manhattan.

Democratic front runner for mayor in this year’s upcoming election, openly Gay Speaker of the New York City Council Christine Quinn boycotted the Neo-con Catholic /GOP St. Patrick’s Day Parade yesterday in Manhattan.  She opted instead to parade in the Rockaways, Queens St. Pat’s Parade that does not discriminate based on sexual God given orientation.


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