Sunday, February 3, 2013

Is Father Schüller of Austria the New Martin Luther Facing Down the Obscene Corruption of John Paul II’s and Benedict XVI’s Vatican?

                    Fr. Helmut Schüller

The leader of a dissident movement of Austrian priests has been stripped of the title “Monsignor” by the Vatican. 

Father Helmut Schüller, the head of the Austrian Priests’ Initiative and a former vicar general of the Vienna archdiocese, no longer holds the honorary title of “Chaplain of his Holiness,” the Vatican announced on November 29. The action comes more than a year after the Austrian Priests’ Initiative launched a “Call to Disobedience,” encouraging clergymen to defy Church teachings on issues including homosexuality, intercommunion, and the ordination of women. More than 400 Austrian priests have expressed support for the dissident movement.

Fr Schüller, the leader of Austrian priests and deacons openly defying the authority of the Church and dissenting from her teachings, has announced the formation of a pan-Germanic group of dissenting clergy that will soon incorporate disobedient clergy from the Anglo-saxon countries, including Ireland, Australia and the USA by the autumn. 

The Austrian Priests Intiative, with their Declaration of Disobedience, have joined with disloyal groups of clergy in Germany and Switzerland, forming a group of 1,500 priests and deacons who are breaking their promises of obedience made at their ordination. 

There was a meeting of representatives of the disobedient priests and deacons in Munich between the 24-26 January 2013, that issued the following statement: 

‘We stand for honest awareness of the situations in which people find themselves in their lives and for the credibility of church practice. That is why we openly specify what we do, even if it contradicts present church rules. … 

We are against absolutist structures in our Church and advocate civil rights and transparency. 

1 comment:

  1. This is WAY COOL! Could there be another Reformation underway? Keep the GOOD news coming Mike.
