Thursday, January 17, 2013

Not My Father's Notre Dame Football - Imaginary Girlfriends - Imaginary Rapes - Imaginary Safe Working Conditions - Manti Teo - Lizzy Seeberg - Declan Sullivan - Jack Swarbrick

"But what unsettles me about Groves’ argument is that he eventually makes the claim that Notre Dame is “one of America’s best examples of winning ‘the right way.’” Even worse, he suggests that the team’s haters must acknowledge as much, forced to swallow what is nothing less than irrefutable fact. It’s a popular claim and one that alludes not only to Notre Dame’s supremacy on the field, so far undisputed this year, but to its infallibility on some sort of moral scale."
"That idea, the so-called “right way,” irks me like few others. I’m honestly surprised that we have yet to retire the lazy and often dangerous phrase from the sports lexicon. To understand why, one needs only to think back on the figures who were famously thought to do things “the right way” until quite recently: Tiger Woods, Lance Armstrong, Joe Paterno."


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