Sunday, October 7, 2012

Pope Benedict’s Racial, No I Mean Nuremburg type Catholic Laws on Marriage Equality

Racial Requirements for Marriage Equality on the way to the Registry Office - 1935

Running into some interesting visuals while doing some historical research looking for something else, the thought occurred to me how so very much like the 1930s German Nuremburg Racial Laws are the current main-stream currents and opinions of some churches in their almost political fanaticism regarding racial sexual marriage equality.

That somehow, certain senile old men, who claim that they and their parents hated the national socialists in the German homeland in the 1930s and 1940s (Notice how I am trying to not invoke Godwin’s Law here with a certain adjective) are blindly taken at their word and have also somehow modeled their dictatorial vision of what Adolph Jesus wanted for the human race in the current quadrant space of modern history.

Do you count on the current Socio/Politico/Economico Global Spreadsheet?

That with so much of humanity already discounted on the new Global Corporate Spreadsheet these days, it is only a matter of time before anyone of us, no matter what our degree or tastes in sexuality, 10%, 25%, 50% etc. that sooner of later a recycled chart from the Nuremburg Laws will get reused with English words inserted in it (a chart attachment to that spreadsheet) and along with a FoxFauxNews type explanation, footnote, of why a once secure percentage of the 47%, as an example, are now ready for the ovens at the Solent Green for profit factory newly installed in your town, next to the Wal-Mart of course, in an easy to find location.
Report tomorrow at Zulo 1100 hundred hours. Have a nice eternity.

(music to listen to while you wait your turn in line)

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