Thursday, October 25, 2012

Lord Bichard, House of Lords, wants Pensioners to Do Community Work for No Pay or dock their Old Age Pensions in Britain

Lord Bichard

Maybe the Brits can feed the old to the Queen's corgies etc. Something bloody useful. Right Lord Bichard?

No doubt Franklin Graham has promises from Mitt Romney to use old people on Social Security to work for nothing in Graham's tax-free "Christian" Charity Rackets.

The sentiment to such obscene treatment of the old already has a champion in the British House of Lords who retired from government with an obscene government pension over $150,000 per year in USD value and now he has the nerve to try and marshal the old to work for nothing doing community service and charity work.

Maybe Lord Bitchard can take some of his pension funds and invest in a dentist.

He said: “We are now prepared to say to people who are not looking for work, if you don’t look for work you don’t get benefits. So if you are old and you are not contributing in some way or another, maybe there is some penalty attached to that.”  
Bichard also asked: “Are we using all the incentives at our disposal to encourage older people, not justto be a negative burden on the State but to actually be a positive part of society?”  
The wealthy lord’s draconian scheme left pensioners’ groups seething.

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