Thursday, September 27, 2012

Body of Christ for Sale in Germany - Pay Your Church 8 % of Income Religion Taxes or Go to Hell - Church Tax Coming to America Soon?

With the government getting out of the government business in America, charity for the poor will fall on the Churches who now need cash and taxes to dole out soup to the poor.

In Germany, the RC Church is asserting its rights to collect taxes from “catholics” baptized at birth against their will and who now must support all the charity work and all the lawyers fees of all the buggering of children leisure hobby of the clergy there.

"This decree makes clear that one cannot partly leave the Church," Germany's bishops' conference said last week, in a decision endorsed by the Vatican.
Unless they pay the religious tax, Catholics will no longer be allowed receive sacraments, except before death, or work in the church and its schools or hospitals.
Without a "sign of repentance before death, a religious burial can be refused," the decree states. Opting out of the tax would also bar people from acting as godparents to Catholic children.
"This decree at this moment of time is really the wrong signal by the German bishops who know that the Catholic church is in a deep crisis," Christian Weisner from the grassroots Catholic campaign group We are Church told the BBC.

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