Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Catholic Deer Killer – Paul Ryan and the Perfect Shoot

The perfect shot - deer and photo

There is something too annoyingly perfect about both the Romney and the Ryan families.  I have already stated some of my opinions on the Romney Tribe.

Paul has stated that he is a Catholic Deer Hunter. Wow! How Macho! How Alpha Male!

And that is what annoys me in the perfect image that closeted business welfare queen Paul Ryan presents to the world as the normal Paul.

Living in a modest, big by the 1920s professional standards, house with eight bathrooms. Wow! People need to pee in that house. Or they don’t have to walk down the hall a few feet to pee.  Or water is dirt cheap in Wisconsin and the Ryan family don’t have to share a bathroom with anybody else including their spouse.  A good Catholic household like the Ryans will never see a parent or sibling naked in that house. 

Catholics are so uptight about nudity and sex etc.  It is of course their own business.  It is their owned religion.

The thing about all the perfect things about alpha male Paul Ryan is that he reminds me of a high school alpha male jock type who probably was popular with the girls and a bully to all the nerds.

All well and good.  But most people go beyond their high school images and social functions of themselves.  If Ryan was not Republican and an aging jock type, I would have guessed he would have gone through a Metrosexual phase as a young adult prior to marriage in that he would have dressed perfectly, had his hair done perfectly etc.

Ryan’s hair does seem to be glued in place without even a single hair out of place.

I know that the Deer Killer photo above was not photo shopped but it seems too perfect to me and it was probably selected no doubt from many others for official Ryan press release to the little people of the public realm.

One thing different from myself and Paul and all my male relatives who I remember as a child going off to and back from the male honored food gathering killing fields of the forests.

I am glad that Paul thought to shave just prior to his perfect Catholic Deer Killer photo op.

My relatives never shaved when they went off to shoot some deer meat to feed their families.  Paul obviously has got a compulsive obsessive need to look perfect even while shooting deer.

So perfect.



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