Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Sausage Fest - Penn State Board of Trustees

Sausage fest BTW is an urban street term by where a bunch of males get together to do whatever and their number far exceeds any number of possible females present. Kinda like a motorcycle club.
There are 32 members of the Penn State Board of Trustees. With the Governor and State Cabinet members automatic appointees along with the Governor crony appointees, that makes 11 out of 32 or one third of the Board of Trustees beholding to Tom Corbett, the Republican Governor.  No wonder he can be an absentee member at most meetings.  His buddies have got his back.  ( All guys by the way, no females, sausage fest?…)
Then you have about one third of the Trustees appointed by the Alumni.  ( 9 seats – 3 females )
Then the agribusiness people get 6 votes.  Penn State was the original Farming College of the State of Pennsylvania before MasterCard and Visa took over.  ( 6 seats – 1 female )
And the last 6 seats are for business and industry – CEOs/Wall Street – ( 6 seats – 2 females )
That makes 6 females out of 32 or 19% of the Board of Trustees.
But not to worry about the guys outnumbering the chicks. The University sets aside $10,000 out of student activities fees for the one Saturday in November “Cunt Fest” that actually has females trying to address legitimate female issues on a largely outnumbered in the Board Room atmosphere at Penn State.
In a preliminary response to NCAA inquiries, the Board has already set aside $2.6 million dollars of taxpayer's money as a penalty of sorts for the whole Sandusky/Paterno Sausage Fest S.N.A.F.U. situation over at the Athletic Department.  The money is earmarked for Pennsylvania groups dealing with female rape and child abuse issues.
As for the daily and weekend Keg Fest that makes Penn State the drunkest University in the nation, Playboy’s top ten list of Party Colleges does not list Penn State because the top ten list has to do with amateur level and not “professional” industrial strength institutions on the matter of alcohol consumption. Whatever.
All in all a very large isolated dysfunctional secretive male dominated organization funded mostly on the taxpayer’s dime and setting the standards of excellence regarding child rape and criminal cover up etc. in house.
Just a normal slice of 21st Century Corrupt Crony Corporate American Pie.
Have a nice day. 

1 comment:

  1. This makes the male-bonded fraternity argument about Penn State and our crony capitalist structures so powerfully, Mike. And the photo brings the point home in an unforgettable way.

    Love the final, "Have a nice day," too. What fools we American mortals be. Speaking of which, you have probably read the news today that George Zimmerman says he doesn't regret shooting Trayvon Martin because it was all in God's hands and he was doing God's will?
