Friday, July 6, 2012

German Courts Rules That Circumcision Is Mutilation - Civilization Vs. Religious Superstition

Cut versus -

A botched circumcision to a four year old Muslim boy in Germany has led to a court ruling that circumcision is mutilation or body harm.  It also opens the can the worms regarding the religious tradition thing of the mean desert god theme as well as adults initiating a child into religious beliefs and practices that should be made only by legal adults themselves. 

Circumcision ruling condemned by Germany's Muslim and Jewish leaders
Jewish and Muslim leaders were united on Wednesday in their condemnation of a German court's decision to in effect outlaw the circumcision of boys after a judge deemed that the religious practice amounted to bodily harm. 
Representatives of the two religious communities called the ruling insensitive and discriminatory, saying it was an attack on centuries of religious tradition. 
A judge at a Cologne court said that the circumcision of minors went against a child's interests because it led to a physical alteration of the body, and because people other than the child were determining its religious affiliation. 
Religious leaders said the court had stepped into a minefield with its decision, which undermined their religious authority and contravened Germany's constitution.
The bottom line on circumcision once you get past the religion and superstition part of it is in the old Testament.  In that old Testament, battle after battle of ethnic cleansing in Palestine takes place.  In the heat of the battle, it gets very hot, how do you identify friend from foe? If a warrior strips off his armor or clothes in the heat and blood bath of battle, or is left dead on a battlefield stripped of his armor and identification, what better way to identify both the living in a fight or the dead for a proper religious burial than to see if the living or dead is friend or an foe, cut or uncut on the tip of the penis. 

- versus Uncut


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