Friday, June 22, 2012

Knights of Columbus – Tax Free Catholic Cult – Fronting a Multi-Billion Dollar Insurance Company

K of C Fish Fry - Tax Free Cash for Charity and the Vatican Bank?

Bishop Lori, Chaplain of a tax free 501(c)(8) “fraternal organization” that does not have to pay taxes on:
…their support for the Church and local communities, as well as for their philanthropic efforts, the Order often refers to itself as the "strong right arm of the Church". The Order's insurance program has more than $80 billion of life insurance policies in force, backed up by $15.5 billion in assets, and holds the highest insurance ratings given by A. M. Best and the Insurance Marketplace Standards Association, though Standard & Poor's downgraded the program to AA+ in August 2011.
Tax free American dollars that:
The Order funded the first renovation of the façade of St. Peter's Basilica in over 350 years. (your siphoned off tax dollars at work)

Charity begins at home or St. Peter’s Square.  The Knights distribute over $150 million in “charity” annually like its construction project in Rome. (No bid contracts to Bertone's crony family?)

Of course all this fraternal organization stuff started with the immigrants and no government social safety nets.  Life insurance was the only guarantee that your family might eat on a regular basis after you died back in the good old days…

But that was a century and more ago. Now you can get IRAs and a 401(k)? through this catholic fraternal order/financial services company, structured on a management level much like the Masons with its secret ritual ceremonies, exclusion of women from first class membership in the organization, and various degrees of rank. The Catholic Masons?

And the organization is protected from that mean old putty tat government by its tax status.

The cult part is over a million members doing volunteer community service work to qualify the organization as a fraternal group, the members not being paid and let's not forget to mention the low paying, few benefits, female jobs processing the insurance end of the tax scam.

Bishop Lori and his Fortnight of Freedom campaign is organized around the K of C membership in 15,000 councils nationwide including the infamous college council 1477 organizing other groups on campus and working so hard to snub Obama at Notre Dame in 2009.

Of course, the Knights are not funding political activities in Bishop Lori’s and the USCCB’s two week rant against Obamacare and if the local bonfires of the bishops’ vanities with Bishop Lori's GOP political activities take place at Knights of Columbus weekly Steak Frys or Fish Frys for “charity” it is only coincidence. Yeah right. LOL

Cult. Cult. Cult. Cash. Cash. Cash. (Tax Free. Tax Free. Tax Free.)

And one other thing.  The Knights of Columbus Insurance/Tax Free Cash Machine is joined I believe at the hip to the Vatican Bank.

As for Supreme Knight Carl Anderson, regarding his salary running K of C, I see this figure quoted on the Internet as $1,167,721. annual which was originally posted in 2008. That I don't think includes the Limo, Jet, Villa in Rome, which leads to a question only the pope knows. What is Carl Anderson's other salary as one the four board members overseeing the Vatican Bank? And is there any conflict of interest involved?

Have a nice day.

Vatican Bank West? New Haven, Connecticut



  1. The Knights of Columbus, as a 501 (c)8, is a non-profit organization, not a tax-free one. Since there are nearly 2 million members, it's not surprising that their insurance program is successful. (Insurance is voluntary, by the way.)

  2. As far as I know 501(c)8 is a fraternal organization. Donations are tax exempt if used for certain kinds of charity and or religious activity. The money it makes is not taxable. Volunteer work makes it fraternal. Profits from fish fry and steak fries are not taxable. Insurance is for benefit of members of the fraternal religious group.

  3. Who are the low paid women that process the insurance? As a former insurance avent I've been to the home office and worked with the people. Many are great hard working people, but there is also dead weight. If they have a problem with their benefits they should take that up with the union.

    What's with the attacks on the KCs? Do you attack all charitable organizations or just Catholic ones?

  4. They forgot to mention that we also sacrifice baby goats. Good day Brothers
