Sunday, June 3, 2012

Cardinal Raymond Burke, Pius XIII, already telling Inept Benedict XVI He is Wrong

Cardinal Ray "Fabulous" Burke - unofficial Vatican Fasionista 

In the ongoing War on Laity, Nuns and Butlers, the next American (CIA) Pope is telling Benedict XVI via his stooge Secretary of State Bertone what is and what is not kosher in Catholic doctrine.

The third document is a letter to Bertone from Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, an American who is head of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura — in essence, the Vatican's chief justice. It is marked "highly confidential" and registers Burke's dismay that Benedict had approved the liturgy of a controversial lay group known as the NeoCatechumenal Way, which its critics contend violates the prescribed protocol for the Catholic Mass. "I believe that approval of such liturgical innovations ... does not seem consistent with the liturgical teachings of the Pope," Burke wrote.


1 comment:

  1. Jesus, the one seated on the throne, said, "See, I make all things new!"

    The fearful Romanitas cower in their refuges from the past...old and empty.
