Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Orange – the Color of Protest? - 14 Wage Slaves in Florida Fired for Wearing Orange Shirts on Pay Day Friday

First it was eyeglasses, then watches that identified intelligence to Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge communists to set up the killings fields of millions of innocent people in Cambodia.

Now, some lunatic law firm in Florida, Elizabeth Wellborn, that processes foreclosures for Fannie Mae (the government dime?) got all paranoid and Tea Party like when its clerical workers wore orange on pay days in order to be identifiable as a group when hanging out after work.

Florida is a fire at will state, no notice or time required to terminate.

The GOP and its anti-human, anti-humane campaign of terror against the little people of this world continues.

What the hell kind of dope are they smoking in the Lawyers Lounge at Elizabeth Wellborn in Florida?

Big Brother is watching and he don’t like Orange.


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