Monday, February 6, 2012

Crime Boss “Big Tony” Bevilacqua Now Officially in Hell

They wanted “uncle Junior Soprano” to testify at the upcoming clerical abuse and rape ring trial in the Spring even though he claimed to be senile.

Alas, Satan had other plans for the man who so non-chalantly destroyed Saint John Neumann's vision and betrayed the millions of living and dead Catholic Philadelphians that once built and maintained the greatest private education system on the planet.

That they, these outsiders now under Cardinal Chaput, cannot break it up and sell it fast enough before RICO laws once again are enforced in this country.

Non-Commitment to the inner city poor and the prices of prime inner city real estate corrupted an outsider like Big Tony.  That and frat house sex among all ranks of the clergy. 

And Child Abuse – you Bastard!  Enabling and covering it up!!!

You sold your soul for the red hat.  All red hats do the same (poor excuse).

Blame the sixties. Don’t blame the clergy.  Yeah right.  Pass the doobie.

His big mafia like staged funeral along with paid criers will be tomorrow and televised on Catholic  cable TV.

In a religion where all is show and hypocrisy, Bevilacqua is way up there with all godfathers in crime and all the neo-con bitchops that now serve mammon rather than God.

I don’t wish him or his soul Hell for all eternity.  And quite frankly, Satan probably doesn’t want him. Too much integrity to be seen with the likes of him – give hell a bad name.  Etc. 


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