Saturday, February 4, 2012

Bishop Zubik – Martin Luther was a “man of conscience” – You are not!

Martin Luther - Man of Conscience

The administration recently reaffirmed a position that means that, for the most part, religious universities, hospitals and charities that serve the general public would be expected to comply. The rule has sparked outrage among a number of conservative religious groups, with several Catholic bishops calling on their parishioners to refuse to comply with the law. 
This is Bishop David Zubik, leader of the Archdiocese of Pittsburgh, speaking to NPR. 
DAVID ZUBIK: We can't comply and we won't comply. There's no way we can. It's a matter of conscience.
Bishop Zubik, right hand man of former Philly Crime Boss “Big Tony” Bevilacqua cannot talk about “conscience”.  He is like what Jesus used to call “hypocrit”.  Will call him in person on judgment day.

Have a nice day.
BTW - Nice Toupee


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