Thursday, January 19, 2012

Opus Dei vs. Opus Meum – Rick “Fecal Matter” and GOP go off a Cliff

The Opus Dei candidate for President, Rick “Fecal Matter”, is doing remarkably well on a spike from a weekend endorsement from lunatic fundies on a Texas ranch.

Below is an attack ad probably paid for with freshly laundered Opus Dei funds.  While I agree that both political parties in America are going off the cliff, Rick Santorum is no messiah and or Jack Kennedy.

I don’t care if Rick privately tortures himself to get mythical grace for his many, many sins, most of which are based on basic human ignorance and an allergy to empathy and or compassion.

On the matter of a dying Christian church putting up Rick to push what is left of the human race off a cliff, perhaps the solutions all along to humanity’s problems lie with Humanity and Secularism – OPUS MEUM – Work of Humanity, me and mine.

Have a full rich wonderful secular day. 


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