Thursday, December 8, 2011

Newt Gingrich and his solution to the Illegal Catholics Problem in the U.S.

Future tax-paying, Catholic Church attending Republicans?

What? Not all the illegal immigrants in America are Obama’s relatives from Africa.  I dare say ninety percent of them are Hispanic and no doubt ninety percent of them are Catholic.

So the national Illegal Immigrant question is really also the Illegal Catholic question or Problem.

Newt Gingrich and his party and his church want those 15 million potential voters in the next decade or two.  Long term planning is how the GOP and the RCC work these days, unlike the U.S. Federal Government.

Newt does not want any sanctuary (Dem) cities to get any Fed funding.  News to me that there were cities in the U.S. who more or less had a hands off policy to facilitate cheap labor. Social welfare and education costs are no doubt fobbed off on Washington.

But the key is to register these Illegal Hispanic Catholics, Pentecostals etc. on a local level.  In other words, somebody has to know them in order to vouch for them on their long road to being tax paying citizens.  Guide them, mold them, and Cuban Boat the chaff among them to the Democrats.

Apparently Newt wants something like a 25 years indentured servitude kind of registration process. 

Apparently the GOP Bishops want those voters tomorrow in order to fill their empty churches and to vote obedient Hispanic Catholics into political office in order to usher in the great rebirth of the great General Franco Spain model of church and state cooperation on all matters moral.

WIN – WIN for the GOP and the Roman Catholic Church.

Newt Gingrich targets 'sanctuary' cities for illegal immigrants
Gingrich also said he would favor a "very sophisticated, very clean" guest worker program.
"I think we should go back to the World War Two selective service model where local citizens are certified at a local level, where they actually know the person," he said.
"If the person is a good citizen, has genuine ties to the United States, has genuine roots, they still don't get amnesty, they still don't get citizenship, they still don't get the right to vote. They do get the legal right to be a resident."
In other words, after the local Catholic church (for a government subsidy) gives you a black stamp on your papers, you get a green card and a voter registration sheet premarked GOP.  Bless us lord. And save us all from the godless liberal socialist Democrats.  

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