Thursday, December 8, 2011

Callista Gingrich Teaches Inaccurate History to Children? – Ellis the Elephant – “Sweet Land of Liberty”

(Ellis and acclaimed history author Callista Gingrich)

“One of the most exciting events this fall for me personally is the arrival of Ellis the Elephant.
”As you know, I love American history.  Having coauthored eight historical novels, I would say finding creative ways to tell the American story has been one of the main objectives of my career.
“Ellis the Elephant appears this week in a new book, Sweet Land of Liberty, written by my wife, Callista Gingrich, and illustrated by Susan Arciero.  I am convinced that Ellis the Elephant will introduce a new generation of young people to our American history.
“Sweet Land of Liberty already has a review at Amazon more overwhelmingly positive and glowing than any review I’ve received after writing 24 books. 
“I’m not surprised.  When you see Ellis, it’s hard not to fall in love with him. Callista considered many types of animals to accompany children through American history -- including giraffes, bunnies, and hippos.  But when she saw Ellis, she couldn't resist this adorable elephant… Newt Ginginch 9/28/2011

“…On July 20, 1969, the United States launched the Apollo 11 spaceflight, and Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon…”

BTW History Scholars, Callista and Newt Gingrich,  Apollo 11 launched on July 16, 1969 and the Apollo Lunar Module landed on the moon on July 20, 1969.

Like – ah – Launching and Landing over three days later are not quite the same thing or is this condensed history?

Like who did all the difficult fact checking on this critical child’s work of GOP revisionist American History?

(How do you spell ghostwriter?)


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