Saturday, November 19, 2011

Penn State – NCAA – Pedophilia Cover Up – Paterno Chantry

Paterno Chapel (Chantry) - Penn State Campus

The NCAA is going to investigate this pedophile mess at Penn State.  That is like the USCCB putting out another paid for white paper on priests and buggery.  

If the NCAA could not or did not stop these crimes against humanity done under their willful noses, what exact good can they do now except pay for a white paper saying how they came in, investigated and now everything is safe again at Penn State.  Safe to do sports business as usual again, emphasis on the word busine$$.

Joe Paterno did not sell his soul to Penn State in the last decade or two.  He sold it very early in his career long before any of his talent or luck kicked in to make him so successful and an American Football Icon.  He sold it to that silent secret male only crony club that dominates and rules every college, university and corporation in America.  

Thing is with selling your soul, it is not so easy to buy it back as that myth might seem to indicate.

But if you know you have looked the other way in terms of in-house corruption, possible kickbacks, freebie drugs, prostitutes and cash in white envelopes to Sports Journalists, money laundering through sports foundations and not to mention the added bonus of looking the other way on the pedophilia (kid rape racket on campus) thing, maybe you or your spouse should build a Chantry.

A Chantry is a private chapel or altar in a cathedral dedicated specifically to constant prayers and masses said in the name of the deceased and for the purpose of relieving their sentence in purgatory for all the sins they, usually kings and princes, had to do in the name of the greater good of the state.

Henry VIII outlawed these funded rackets, mostly to steal the funding, but also because any good Protestant knows that you are either saved or not.  That once dead, all the prayers in the universe cannot get you out of hell if you were a like a total royal bastard or nasty prick pain in the ass in your lifetime - in other words, a monster.

I find it ironic that something like a month after Joe Paterno signs his share of his  house over to his wife, his wife is dedicating the Paterno Family Chantry on the Penn State Campus.  That chapel is no doubt for the purpose of praying, and praying, and praying for all eternity to get Joe Paterno’s soul out of Purgatory. 

Prayers for the forgiveness of the things he found necessary to do as a prince on campus and for the deeds, ugly and perhaps borderline legal to keep the seats filled, the cash flowing, out of Beaver Stadium, the second largest stadium in the Western Hemisphere, capacity 106,572.  That’s a lot of stadium for the virtual middle of nowhere in the middle of the vast dark forests of central Pennsylvania.

Does the stadium wag its tail on the Penn State Campus or is Penn State merely the tail?


I’ll say a pray for Joe while he is alive and fighting now lung cancer.  I am not a total bastard.  But prayers after he is dead is a waste of time.  You are either saved or not saved.  The prayers at his Campus Chantry will go on so long as the funding continues.  I hope they haven’t invested the Chanty’s foundation/funds too heavily in the Wall Street casino scam.

So it goes. 


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