Friday, November 18, 2011

Joe the Pope - Unhate Yourself?

I don't know if the above advertisement is offensive?  I showed it to someone point blank without explanation and she showed no negative response. Said something like "that is the custom over there" in Muslim countries and did not understand when I gave the full skinny on what the above was all about.  That it was not Joe the Pope in the picture etc. 

It is all about the Brand these days.  The Vatican is concerned about the Brand and it is obvious that Benetton did not give a cut $ to the Brand for the supposed use of the supposed sacred image.  Whatever. 

The theme of these ads is "Unhate" meaning two enemies embrace and love. 

I feel all too certain that a self-hating gay like Joseph Ratzinger or all the other self hating gay Cardinals and Bishops of the RCC do not, cannot understand the simple or underlying meaning of the message. 

It is all about the BRAND.

Brand is the modern code word for profit/greed = irrelevant to any or all things human.


Try to find a little humor in life today.  There is no little out there in the real world these days I think. 


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