Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Where are the Trees in Liberty Plaza, America? - (NOT Zucotti Park!) - a poem

Liberty Plaza NYC

Where are the trees in Liberty Plaza, America???


When will the trees in liberty plaza


Jesus rose on Sunday day? Did he not Rowan darling?

They cut down twenty four living creatures
Trees! Living Things! That is -
Not Iraqi children or women or old men…

(HEY not my scales of importance -
not Anubis' feather scale of things !!!
but Dick C's - sucking on his daily tube of oxygen
or rummy man sucking on his daily bottle of tankoray
remembering the great American Crook Dick NExxon.)

The TREES !!!!!!!!!

(they once gave shade in the downtown 
corporate human desert --
in my wallet is a picture of my two year old son
smiling a great wonderful human smile -
on a Spring Saturday -
his pampers full of poop and ---
Steve's Pizza sign in the backgound…)

They cut down twenty four living things
To make way for official vehicular parking
Supposedly connected with WTC debris removal
Isn't that right Rudy - cold lips - darling!

((Rudy - cold lips - cold hips
Popsickle stare 
Darling poster boy of the new world order!)
(Donna god bless, now you have a life!
You probably were a good human wife!))

When will the concrete stare of Liberty Plaza
Be brought back to living tree life???…

Perhaps only when a second bush
Wins a ga-dam second war
And loses a ga-damn second World PEACE!!! ! !.

Where are the TREES?! 


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