Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Anti-Christ Burger in Italy – GOLDEN Satanic Arches – Rapture Burger???

This is a story totally F#cked up for weeks now coming out of Italy.

I keep seeing this BS PR McDonald’s – FOR DAYS, perhaps WEEKS - thing on many, many news sources and cannot determine as to what they are talking about???

Italy minister defends boost for McDonald's burger

I can only assume at this point out of the chaos and confusion of so called ROMQN PR firms making money on a totally confused burger –“ THE ANTI-Christ burger in ROME” as I call it. Cannot figure out yet if the Italian Agriculture Minister is taking a hefty bribe from Ronald McDonald or he just hates Italian Historic eating habits. That or he is addicted to heart artery clogging fast food crap!

I have taken a private pledge not to mention anything connected with the present (german)-anti/christ in roman digs. But I do not understand why McDonalds is trying to launch a new burger just before Lent in Rome unless this is it –

THE RAPTURE is upon us and if so why is some spam concoction with oregano so important to a burger franchise that can push anything down the throats of a captive Iraq and Afghanistan audience wasting their time with the Italians? Like – what is the real give on this????

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