Friday, October 30, 2009

Child Abuse Judges Conahan & Ciavarella Indicted – RICO Act

It says something very tragic about our country when crimes against children get so little attention.

I had to go to the British Newspaper website Guardian UK World this morning to see that all the juvenile cases ruled on by the so-called judges Ciavarella and Conahan have been overturned – finally.

Pennsylvania high court dismisses thousands of juvenile convictions

There is no news article of this on the Google News Summary page or on the CNN website.


Why was this story only treated as a regional story and only covered by one or two upstate newspapers? The New York Times covered it in a few articles. Why didn’t this become a national story – a national scandal - in the MSM??? Don’t poor children victimized in Pennsylvania count as human beings anymore? Where was the national moral outrage? Out to lunch I guess.

In case any of you missed the original story – enjoy:

Wilkes-Barre judges accused of jailing kids for cash

The money making scheme to shut down tax payer juvenile detention centers in favor of for profit juvenile jails in upstate Pennsylvania has gotten very little press as far as I am concerned. To his credit film maker Michael Moore made mention of it in his last movie. Other than that you have to have run into the story or been touched by it as a victim to know about it.

These two fiends Ciavarella and Conahan started sentencing kids to minimum ninety day sentences for minor offenses, first time offenses or even truancy, things that would not have been touched when the taxpayer juvenile facilities were still in existence.

You get a for profit prison system and you have to fill it with “criminals”. With something straight out of Dickens, these judges got kickbacks from the for profit prison for supplying them bodies to imprison. The judges pocketed millions. Parents got billed $150 a day for use of the prison space by their children and liens got put on the parent’s property. Hey its for profit! The taxpayers are saving money. Win-Win. Geez.

I harassed former Bishop Martino of Scranton, before his nervous breakdown, in one or two of my blogs about how he never publicly condemned this atrocity of justice in his moral bailiwick. He had all the time in the world to condemn abortion but no time to condemn two good Catholic judges under his jurisdiction for a new form of child abuse. But hey, he is a bishop, and that sort of stuff ain’t really a crime – is it?

To make a long story short these two judicial pigs pleaded guilty to tax evasion to the Feds and got a white crime conviction sentence of a few years in a country club prison under the Bush Department of Justice.

Backtracking today on the news of the overturning of all their sentences I see that they have been indicted by a grand jury on RICO racketeering charges and I hope they rot in prison.

Conahan and Ciavarella indicted by federal grand jury

I should applaud the Feds for coming through for validating the judicial system here that failed so miserably under Bush. Thank the Almighty, the present Department of Justice in Washington is not now being run by the neocons or graduates of “Christian” universities in these new days of political change.

Now if I start talking about the victims, the children, I will be called a flaming bleeding heart liberal.

What really pisses me off is how the MSM failed with a capital “F” in ignoring this “property” story. When capitalism commits an atrocity it is no crime. Capitalism is the one true religion of our ruling elites these days.

As far as I am concerned regarding Judges Mark Ciavarella and Michael Conahan, these two bastards should be taken out into a public square in Wilkes-Barre and strung up by their balls!

1 comment:

  1. Channel 16 news out of WB-S is still covering it almost every night of the week. Newspaper wise it is not prevalent anymore. My pastors wife had worked as a clerk for one of these clowns a few years ago and was devastated by the news when it hit the fan. She had no idea what they were up to. Greed is a terrible human trait..along with cruelty.
