Thursday, March 26, 2020

Stay Home Sign - Cape Town, South Africa - Coronavirus / Covid 19 - March 25, 2020 -/- 25 March 2020

A billboard is installed on an apartment building in Cape Town, South Africa, Wednesday, March 25, 2020, before the country of 57 million people, will go into a nationwide lockdown for 21 days from Thursday to fight the spead of the new coronvirus. The new coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms for most people, but for some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness or death. (AP Photo/ Nardus Engelbrech)


Sunday, March 22, 2020

Prince Harry - 2nd Duke of Windsor

It is hard to put oneself in self-imposed exile from a dysfunctional family such as the House of Windor-Mountbatten.  Prince Harry, like his mother before him, chose to walk away when it became apparent that whipping boy of the reign of E2, is passing away into history, and Charles, as direct heir can no longer do the role of whipping boy that he shared at times with his late aunt Princess Margaret.

That Margaret was not allowed to marry beneath her station in life caused so many problems later into her life. That Edward VIII was not allowed to marry the person he needed to function in life with, a partner that was contaminated by religious supersition mojo regarding divorce and also being an American led him to abdicate and live the rest of his life in exile from the dysfunctional clowns on the payroll at Buck House under the monarch is in residence flag.

That the Duchess of Sussex is an American and of mixed race is part of the typical Brit racism that has precipated the present Duke of Sussex to take stock of his life and move to the friendly shores of North America and its lack of obsolete dogmatic royal bloodline stuff, but more on a system of merit to get on in life.

That the Frogmore Cottage thing, to live in the shadow of the castle and still be separate but equal. Can we sell you stock in the Brooklyn Bridge Harry old chum? Wink. Nod. 

The bickering in the press last spring and summer between the Duchess and the White Princess, future White Queen, was all baloney as I saw it. 

The same playbook from the Palace for getting Rid of Diana, the first Princess of Wales with Charles, was in play in the Royal playing field for him and his new wife methinks. And funny thing, Harry is not stupid. 

Good Luck to the current Duke of Windsor and his family. 

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Day Britain Lost America - March 5, 1770 - Boston Massacre 250 th Anniversary - Monday, Bloody Monday

The Day Britain Lost America - 
March 5, 1770 - 
Boston Massacre 250 th Anniversary - 
Monday, Bloody Monday


Gray's Alley - To Gatzmer Street / Tun/Ton Alley 1875-1910

Phila.Atlas Wards 2 through 20, 29, 31 - 1875

It would appear that references to Gray's Alley also refer to a later name change to Gatzmer Street around mid 19th century. Also extension of Gatzmer Street passed Water Street to waterfront via Tun/Ton Alley. Tun Alley as in Tun Tavern, Water Street and Tun Alley, 18th century. 

circa 1800

(above: Philadelphia and Her Merchants as consituted fifty to seventry years ago by Adam Ritter. 1860)

Bromley 1895 Map

Bromley 1910 Map


Sunday, March 1, 2020

Lincoln Portrait in West Wing Under Attack - Abuse of Art / National Treasures Trump Style

Wikipedia Commons, Old Frame
Lincoln by artist George Henry Story

I hope Pence and his White House team take better care of Coronavirus management in the U.S. than they mistreat the Lincoln Portrait, the great emancipator, by artist George Henry Story, formerly in the Oval Office, with Bush and Obama admin and replaced by one of Jackson, the de-emancipator of native peoples, with Trump. 

Looks like they replaced the original frame, a no no in the art world, and replaced it in a cheap gilt imitation frame from Michaels's. The canvas looks like the poor fit of the painting in the frame is causing stress on the painting. Too much or too little humidity in that unidentified room in the West Wing.

According to EurAsia Review, the official White House photo by D. Myles Cullen depicts Vice President Mike Pence meeting with the President’s Coronavirus Task Force earlier this week in the West Wing of the White House.
