Thursday, April 11, 2019

Joe the Pope Benedict XVI Rises From The Crypts of Vatican City to Both the Living, the Laity, and the Dead, the Clergy

While Archbishop Wojtyla pussy whipped Virgin Pope Paul VI to sign off on Humanae Vitae, as an operative of the KGB I believe, post Vatican II, the western world had a sexual revolution, a party on the birth control pill and young priests like Joe Ratzinger started to hear words like vagina and penis in the confessional and was upset because Penis and Vagina was not mentioned even once in his 633 page Catechism, the rule book that he memorized for years in the seminary and in comparison the laity learned in a practical manner by practice over a fortnight by a few one night stands. 

Humanae Vitae was a vague invented sacred document to try to catch up to modern science and birth control. Damn those godless Modernists since Napoleon! It was a document of "sexual" suppression rather than about human sexuality and its meaning and use in a modern post war nuclear growing global culture. 

While I agree with Joe about the Homosexual Clubs in the 1960s forming like unions in the seminaries to protect self interests, clerical meal ticket-ism, and getting off on the Friday night beer and Drag Queen parties that shut down Brisson Seminary at Allentown College, Center Valley Pa., now DeSales University. 

That I was aware vaguely then and specifically now of these homosexual cliques so called that were in my R.C. High School run by the same religious teaching order that had to shutdown Brisson in Allentown.

That Gays per say is not child abuse which Joe the Pope attacks (guilty conscience?). That the centuries don't ask don't tell ruling hierarchy of the elites in the R.C. clergy -- the rank and file priest was supposed to stay ignorant and celibate as they define such. That the ruling gays and or so called S8s like Joe and Polish General Wojtyla and Paul VI had privileges to have lovers, mistresses or to bugger children, the rank and file cannot form unions and do the same and or to have sex within their own ranks and hopefully not the laity of any age. 

The awakening and or self education of the rank and file R.C. clergy to deal with their unauthorized sexuality in an appropriate manner is as dangerous to the hierarchy priesthood as it is to let the laity manage their own what consenting adults do in their own private space. 

Management failed miserably after Vatican II. It had nothing to do with any distant Western "sexual revolution".

That the People of God, the laity remained dog shit in the hierarchy of the oppressive rule of the Roman Church invented by the Roman God General Emperor Constantine in the early fourth century C.E..

Go back to sleep Joe. Hell is a waiting ya.