Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Fickle Hand And Arm of Political Fate - Who Does The Mob Love Now?

The media lies now like when they lied back when Nero was Emperor and ruled the known western world. The media jacked up some of the "the mob hates Nero" lines to justify the regime change of Nero to a non-Caesar bloodline to rule Rome. A change to merit and or a few generals killing each other off for a year or two until there was no generals left except Vespasian.

"Long Live Vespasian, our great and glorious Emperor." read the media BS of the day left on graffiti BS left on 2,000 year old walls that survived until today. Too cheap to paint a wall in the poor part of town?

Nero was an okay emperor. But no great push or ambition. Took his job for granted and the people too.

His uncle/cousin/adopted dad (incest even back then in the Emperor's palaces) the emperor Claudius had a bad day with the Jews on several different days and he threw them out of the city of Rome. Meaning outside the walls of the city. Big thick walls of the city back then. The Jewish ghetto was born outside the walls of Rome and exists to this day and the Jewish section of Rome absorbed into the city and bigger walls that surrounded and ever growing and bigger city full of IMMIGRANTS etc.

Well one day, Nero wants a bigger palace, so he started eminent domain to tear down houses in the middle of Rome near his palace and the Forum to make a bigger palace, bigger than the standard 50,000 sq. foot mafia like McMansion of today's American standards.

Amidst the rubble of the urban renewal to build a bigger Nero Palace, Mrs. O'Leary's cow kicked over a lantern in the Imperial stables and Rome catches fire and burns down. Yes Mrs. O'Leary's cow is a breed known to be clumsy and kicking over lanterns down through the ages mainly because they don't like giving milk in the dark.

So now, not a few Romans lost their houses to eminent domain for a new palace but something like 1/2 the city got burned out and they were homeless.

The straight line thinking goes from Nero and eminent domain go to big fire and homelessness and the mob turned on Nero.

Nero looked around for a scapegoat and looking at the Jews outside the firewall of the city walls living in intact housing and he blames the Jews. And the race track stadium starts to fill up with Jews taken forcibly from their homes.

Somewhere along the timeline, the Jews got turned into "Christians" even though in terms of a timeline and energy there only might have been a dozen Christians in amongst the hundreds and or thousands of Jews they were killing and burning in the Circus Maximus, (Vespasian had not yet built the Colosseum).

But that is a media problem and or thing - accuracy and or accuracy in history.

They run out of Jews and then they go after Nero. Bye bye Nero. Of course it took another four years for the mob and the Senate and the Army to decide that Nero hanging around the palace in his bath robe all day was not much of a leader especially with the slow pace of rebuilding Rome after the fire. It is much harder than you think to build a wall?

Since history tells us that Christians were being burned in the Circus Maximus and not the Jews, there is no history timeline thing about the Jews in Rome who could get out - got out. And they went to all the major ports of the Mediterranean including Judea where Jerusalem is. And about 66 C.E. Judea and the whole area exploded into rebellion and Nero had to send an army there to put the rebellion down. The fact that Nero was an indirect cause of the Jewish Rebellion because of his persecution of the "Christians" in Rome is often overlooked. Far fetched and revisionist history no doubt. 

Which brings us to post-Nero history once he is dead, had to kill himself etc. All over the empire it was no longer M.R.G.A (Make Rome Great Again). Even in a small backwater town of Londinium in Britain started tearing down statues of Nero. Which because of science and metal analysis and economic condition of the settlement, there probably was only one big statue in London two thousand years ago. 

So what is left of any traces of Nero in London after the mob turned on him was found in an archaeological dig in the city or the business district of present day London about twenty years ago.

The mob can love ya and they can also tear you apart. Watch out for the fickle finger of fate and or the fickle hand and arm of fat, lazy, inbred moron emperors. 
