Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Mike Donovan Remembers Abraham Lincoln on Eve of Election 1860 - Chicago

"I want to tell here, while it occurs to me, of the time that I met Abraham Lincoln. I was in Chicago at the time, and it was in the fall of the year 1860 when Mr. Lincoln was speaking in his campaign against Douglas. He came down the street, followed by a large crowd. He was leading a small boy by the hand, who was Tad, his son.
"I can just see that great tall man : high hat, big black stock, the sleeve of his coat open, sauntering down the street, bowing to every one and shaking hands with those that were near — careless in dress and free in his manner. I wanted to shake hands with him, too, so I crowded up, and as I approached him, he leaned over and, extending his hand, asked me my name.
" 'Michael Donovan,' repeated Mr. Lincoln, 'That's a good name, and you are a fine boy. Here, Tad, shake hands with Michael Donovan.'
"Tad was not as fair and easy as his father. I looked Tad over and I remember the thought occurring to me: I can lick you.' I was about thirteen and Tad was about twelve.
"Mr. Lincoln won me at once, and you bet he would have got my vote.
"The people followed him into a picture gallery. I went in, and there I saw him pointing out the pictures of interest to Tad — especially the battle of Waterloo, and also one of Sebastopol. Finally, leaving the gallery, he walked down the street to the post office, and I went home.
"That night he spoke from the balcony of the Tremont House. I was there, and how he did make fun of Douglas! The people were all with him. This was his last speech before election day, and he felt that he must spread himself, and he did.
"This great tall man, with his fine, homely face, taking the crowd into his confidence just as if he were talking to a friend, won them all. Never saying a mean or small thing or showing any annoyance or bad feeling against Douglas, he had the people all laughing at his jokes and the wise way of putting things. 'Old Abe' had them going, all right. He was a wonderful man.
"I'm glad to tell that story about Lincoln just at this time, because I get tired of talking about my-self. It doesn't seem right to say too much about myself. People might think I was chesty, and I wouldn't blame them."

(Source: Mike Donovan; the making of a man, by Marshall Stillman. 1918)


Saturday, November 23, 2019

Arresting the Swimmers Dennis F. Butler and Gus Sundstrom - The National Police Gazette - 22 Aug 1885

The Police Boat Overhauls Butler 
and Sundstrom
(Subject of Illustration)

Dennis F. Butler and Gus Sundstrom, the professional swimmers, on Aug. 9, undertook to try which was the better man in a race of ten miles. Five hundred dollars was wagered to make the thing interesting. A tug and barge were ready off Pier 2, East River, to follow the race. A nickel was tossed up to decide whether they should swim up the North River or up the East River from Pier 2. It rolled off the starting barge into the water and was lost. Another nickel was tossed up and jumped on, and it was found that Butler, who favored the East River, had won. Then Ned Mallahan, whose life seems to consist principally of being chosen referee, climbed out on the tugboat ordered the men to get ready. They went out of sight, and soon reappeared perched on the rail of the barge in bathing costumes limited to trunks only. 

When the signal was given both leaped upward and out. like frogs, and went down into the water as straight as nails. Sundstrom got under water first, and both went out of sight. When they came up again both were forging ahead as desperately as though the race had only been a hundred yards, and the men who crowded around them in thirty small boats yelled until they could hardly row. 

Each of the men was followed by a small boat with his own particular friends, and each was accompanied by a man wise in the currents and eddies of the river, who shouted out advice as to the best road to take. Sundstrom swam over on his right side with his right ear in the water and his tight arm always out of sight. His left arm was pushed forward over his bead and then brought back with a long sweep. Butler's stroke was much the same, only at every stroke his head sank completely out of sight beneath the water, in a way that made people wonder how long it would take him to drown. Both men were working as bard as they knew how, and the number of strokes made by each was about the same—between thirty-eight and forty to the minute. At first they swam side by side, but Sundstrom, by reaching further out and viciously kicking with his legs, began to creep slowly ahead. When they passed under the bridge, fourteen minutes after the start, Sundstrom had gained about two boat lengths, and kept forging ahead with that advantage for several blocks. 

Meanwhile the wildest excitement was loose on the barge, and more small boats were constantly joining the race from all parts of the river. A small young man who sat among kegs and sandwiches on the barge was doing a thriving business, and everything was gay. Even when the police boat Patrol hove in sight opposite Havemeyer's sugar houses no one was worried, because it seemed natural that policemen should want to see how things were getting along. Even when the Patrol lowered a boat and policemen crowded into it no one was alarmed but the young man with the beer, for everybody supposed that they were only coming over to gather him in. But beer was not the only thing the policemen were after. Instead of making for the barge they struck out for Sundstrom, who was now about half a length behind Butler, with half the river between them. 

Just as he was reaching out for an extra long stroke a white boat shot in front of him, and policemen leaned over and ordered him to crawl in. He crawled in, and Butler, who saw the performance, crawled into his friend's boat. Both swimmers had slipped off their swimming trunks as soon as they bad got into the water. The crowd on the barge began to yell and hiss at the police, and those in the little boats who were far enough off joined in and helped them. Meanwhile Butler's friends were rowing him off with all speed. This hurt the feelings of Sundstrom. who didn't want to be alone, and he dived overboard and undertook to obtain his own freedom by scooting along under the water toward his brother's boat. The police waited for him to come up, and then one drew his club and another a revolver, and all yelled at him to come back. At the appearance of the club Sundstrom only stood on his head and stuck his long legs out of the water. But the revolver persuaded him, and he let himself be taken again. 

Then Butler was gathered in, and both were lugged off to the police boat. The police explained that the charge was violation of the Sunday law, and, after gathering in the pale young man and his aides, they departed. Ed. Mallahan said it was no race, and he and Mike Donovan went off in a small rowboat, without waiting to say more. Butler and Sundstrom were taken to the Church street police station, and at midnight were wondering when their backers would get around to bail them.

And: (NY Daily Graphic 10 Aug 1885)


Friday, November 22, 2019

A princess Margaret royal limerick - a Windsor tradition ( cleaned up of course )

A princess Margaret royal limerick - a Windsor tradition
( cleaned up of course ) --

There once was a middle
aged duke from York
Who had a decidedly
frightful taste
4 young pork?

Until his mummy
a monarch of might,
Took access away
from this man of fright
One day

2 the Palace water cooler?

( bad son, bad son, Horseback riding at Windsor Castle Andrew? )


Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Pittsboro North Carolina - Victim of PC Thought Mob from the Left

I see nothing offensive with the Confederate Monument stolen and snuck off in the dark to the junk heap of history?

We live in a time where cowards CANNOT LIVE WITH OUR PAST. 

They who fought and died in common cause to directly or indirectly advance the freedom of others sometimes march in the wrong step of history. Their service to God and Country should not be forgotten or erased by modern time bigots who would rather judge harshly the life of the past than try and understand IT. 

Historic Southern Monuments - 1911


Sacred Honor of Navy Tradition violated by Trump Pardon of War Crimes Seal Edward Gallagher. Navy wants his Seal Trident back!

Russian filth of Donald Trump Pardons of war criminals in line with the dishonor and evil of Putin's Russian Empire 


Edward Gallagher was accused of stabbing an unarmed 17-year-old Islamic State group prisoner to death and randomly shooting Iraqi civilians.
He was acquitted of those charges and convicted only of the lesser charge of posing with the IS prisoner's corpse.
Mr Trump cleared him of wrongdoing, against advice from defence officials.
In doing so the president reversed a single-rank demotion handed to Chief Petty Officer Gallagher for posing with the corpse, bringing to a close one of the most high-profile war crimes cases in the US Navy's history.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Best Chicken Sandwick of all Time - Arthur Treacher's Chicken Filet Sandwich - 1978


Best fast food chicken sandwich I ever ate was at Authur Treacher's, 34th street west of Seventh avenue in 1978. The coleslaw w/ barbeque sauce topping was to die for over and above a perfect white meat crispy filet. 


Sunday, November 17, 2019

"Chris" Bradford - Life Guards Atlantic City - The National Police Gazette 25 Nov 1882 - New York Daily Tribune 16 Apr 1885

"Chris." Bradford. 

We give in this issue a portrait of Chris. Bradford, chief of the Bradford Brothers' life guard service at the Atlantic City beach. He has perfected a very efficient system of life saving at the seaside resort named above and sided by his brothers keeps his station on the beach open and working winter and summer. The brothers are five in number, named respectively Chris., John, Mike, Ed. and Jim. Another one of the guard is named Billy Dane. They are Pittsburg boys and have had an experience of six years in the life guard service. During that time they have saved over two hundred lives. Including two shipwrecked crews. They have affidavits from the latter and honorable mention from the United states government. They are supported by the voluntary contributions of the hotel proprietors, cottagers and visitors at Atlantic City. 

(The National Police Gazette 25 Nov 1882)

Christopher Bradford.

Pittsburg, April 15 (Special). - Christopher, the eldest of the Bradford brother, of life-saving fame, died this morning. For several years he was a mate on an Allegheny River steamboat and during his service he saved eighteen lives. In 1875 he established a life-saving station at Atlantic City. Two years later his brother, Ned and Mike, joined him, making a team which soon became famous, and the records show that they have saved 532 lives. Their most noted achievement was the rescue by Christopher and Mike of four men, the crew of the Flora Curtis, a Maine schooner, which foundered two miles of Atlantic City. The government guards had not sufficient nerve to attempt the rescue. 

 As the result, the Bradfords were offered the Government station, but they declined it, preferring an independent work, which the public recognized by liberal contributions. On June 28, 1882, Christopher was stricken with paralysis, resulting from exposure. His right side was rendered helpless, but he still remained on the beach. Seated on an invalid chair he would watch the bathers, and his practice eye could in an instant detect any person in danger. He was thirty-eight years old and left a wife.

(New York Daily Tribune - 16 April 1885)


Saturday, November 16, 2019

Young and McShea's Ocean Pier - Atlantic City - 1894 - 1900

Atlantic City Daily Union 6 Sept 1894

Library of Congress 1900


Friday, November 15, 2019

Young and McShea Pier Atlantic City - 1890s

The Daily union history of Atlantic City, New Jersey : containing ... Hall, John F., fl. 1899-1900
J. R. Applegate, in 1883, was next to embark in the pier business. He bought one hundred feet of beach front at the foot of Tennessee Avenue for $10,000, paying $3,500 for one fifty-foot lot and $6,500 for another next adjoining where his picture galleries were. It was a double decker, artistically finished, with an amusement pavilion at the outer end 625 feet from the walk.
This pier from the upper deck afforded a fine ocean view and was built to accommodate several thousand people. 
This pier and real estate was sold in 1891 to Messrs. Young and McShea for $56,000 and has been extensively enlarged and improved since, till it now extends 2,000 feet into the ocean and for years has been the great centre of attraction along the beach front.
A large net, hauled twice daily in summer at the outer end, brings up a large and varied assortment of the animal life of the sea, which is of infinite interest to visitors. From this net specimens of fish of all sizes are secured for the large tanks on the pier, where living specimens may at all times be seen.
In one large pavilion, 80 by 200 feet, hops, cakewalks, baby shows and entertainments are given and in another still larger auditorium meetings and conventions are provided for.
A small trolley system carries visitors from the entrance out to the net, and a continuous program of popular attractions during the season afford diversion to thousands.

As a resting place, where the ocean and bathing grounds may be viewed, the pier has become indispensable. Otherwise the congestion of travel on the Boardwalk might become decidedly unpleasant, where now the surroundings are of the most novel and enjoyable character.

(image: Oswego Daily Times - 18 July 1898)



I can only imagine an illiterate man in a bathrobe most of the day surrounded by by pornography and a check book taking the times in between shtuping and running a “Fortune 5,000” company thingy and sitting hour after hour watching talk shows from the 50s forward from their invention of listening to other people talking back then talking about life in show business and the occasional few sound bites of a book hawker pretending facts, that this perfect intellect and wit could do anything else than present himself as star of his own “reality show” one day.

Enough of talking about yesterday’s trash, ripening by the minute past Prime.

That there was always a east coast and then a west coast prejudice in the national points of political and economic views - news? - being attached to the source points of these visual electronic TV media things in places like Manhattan and Burbank.

That someone like Ted Turner centered his media thing CNN in his backyard of Georgia as a base for global reporting. Reporters all over the globe only needed a point on the globe to transmit sound and pictures via satellite to a home base or HQ to redistribute and sell sound and pictures to Manhattan or Mountaintop Colorado.

CNN got a foot up on others in the cable TV concept to challenge the power and seeming might of the big three then NBC, CBS, and ABC, ABC an artificial entity created in the fifties to break up the so called Monopoly of CBS, NBC.

That many places in Flatland and Mountaintop USA that only got TV transmissions from CBS in olden times.

That it is of note that CBS and NBC were privately owned at their beginnings and some of those founders of sound in the 1920s of Radio pushed smoothly into the TV Zone after WWII when mass consumption of TV entertainment and televisions pushed forward the new emerging, first here, global economy.

That CBS, under its primary owner from the fifties onward on the TV side of news, had news as a leader and loss on the books as an expenses of profits of shows like Beverly Hillbillys selling to tobacco on its commercials, a show with a heavy children’s audience.

Which leads to the concept of “Pay TV” - in the future when you would pay to get TV with no commercials - a faulty futuristic thing that sounds vaguely what was advertised with cable TV up front but the profits in this being a perfect capitalistic country demanded that PAY TV / CABLE TV / PAY THROUGH THE NOSE TV demanded the blessings and grace of the Almighty Dollar on a worthy project of any money making enterprise. A-men!

Pay TV - you pay and get to select which a dozens of your POV gets shown to U 24 7...

Which means leading with a loss product like news means that news cannot be subsidized in a mickey mouse like corporation like ABC etc.

And move the Today Show to Chicago. Well Bryant and Matt, who make all the network cash, don’t want to move to flyover country with very few Michilin starred restaurants or views of Central Park penthouses. “Lake Michigan has a view” (laughter over lunch  w/ NBS big wigs) ha - ha - ha ...

As to the opinions of the female staff of that show, they are only females and automatically have no real opinion except that of side kicks to male stars and at best “honorary” first class show biz citizenship if not in reality second class political citizenship rendered by the Creator on gender.

But let’s not go there here and now.

And injured white male privileged egos in the seventies demanded that prejudiced eastern news sources were the primary reason for the downfall of favorite Tricky Dick, that and he got caught, and he got a “raw” deal or its political lesson meaning that “truth” and or “facts” of a loaded news network with your POV is all you need to beat minor burglary charges, spying and money laundering.

And Roger who sold cigarettes on Madison Avenue in his day and applied it to Tricky Dick in 1968 and any major political competition blown away so to speak, oh the tyranny of chance and or “conincidence” - got together the fake bond capital of a ridden out of London on a rail former sheep farmer from Australia and founded - bow your heads - “Focks News”.

RNC talking points could now originate in overpriced, overpaid think tanks, full of cast off party cronies or from Ivy League unpaid interns at Focks to balance out the east coast prejudice (codes?4 an ethnic group?) news industry of CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC etc.

And the poor from the old days in Flatland and Moutaintop USA who used to only get magic TV transmission waves from CBS or NBC see nothing wrong now in watching one channel Focks for all their noise and or fake news.

Brilliant for that bathrobed rich bum to sit around and analyze what sells in America with all those ten of thousands of research hours on the bed.


Thursday, November 14, 2019

Plenty of Bung Holes on Fox & Friends First - Trump Impeachment a Sham Says Pretty Blond Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany

Lots of sheep supplied from Rupert Murdoch's native Outback Australia, sheep bung holes that is, on Fox & Friends First / Lite this morning and an important proclamation of both sham and innocence for the Big Mushroom in Chief. 

Also story on congressman Don Bishop's son defacing school property in North Carolina for some sort of Trump Youth League. 


Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Shameless and the lives of Actor William H Macy and his Jailbird Wife Felicity Huffman - Life imitating Art?

I happened to watch the season premiere of the Showtime Grifter Show's tenth season of Shameless. The druggies and cons and wasted lives of poor white Pig Shit Irish trash and the inner circle of friends and fockers on Chicago's south side - welfare cheats, fences, drug and sex addicts soap opera -light immoral humor / farce with real life consequences - nothing has changed much since I stopped watching in the middle of season seven I think out of boredom. Nothing except that after nine seasons of moronic loser behavior and such, Fiona (Emmy Rossum) had finally left the cast in search of other bona-fide acting opportunities. 

William H Macy's wife Felicia Huffman got her tit caught in a washing machine roller with bribery charges of trying to get one of her daughters - have someone pull a Teddy or Jack Kennedy and have someone take a college level test for her, a SAT test. Easier in the old days when there was no photo on Driver's Licenses btw. 

No word of what Ivy League college they were going to bribe their daughter into, maybe the University of Pennsylvania in Philly, just like Trump?

Felicity got jail time - two weeks - wow. 

White Male Privilege for the breadwinner William H came into play and he beat the rap and was surprisingly not charged.

Macy is an "actor" and star of Shameless in its tenth and tired season of jumping the Whale by a Whale of an actor and cast. 



Friday, November 1, 2019

Spontaneous New Defintion of the Divine

God* is a temporary whisper of a fixation - a thought, as in a good idea, word or would be deed, and push back on the bad of all that is the idea and form or the energy of nature. 

* cap letter used as in first word of sentence