Friday, August 30, 2019

In Xanaxdu where Kubla Khan did a Pedodome decree...

And then again, maybe it was Queen Elizabeth's idea to shut down Parliament, not to shut down Brexit, but to shut down any Parliamentarian hearings on Prince Andrew and his BFF Jeffrey Epstein.


Monday, August 19, 2019

Trump and Putin's Secret Plan to Retire to Greenland - United Island Kingdom of Former Political Criminals?

And after the North Pole melts, Greenland will be the gateway to North America from across the defrosted pond from guess where - you got it - Russia. 

Look at a proper map and see that Greenland is like the biggest island land mass and looking part of the total of North America. Most maps show its southern tip and not the whole thing but its present seemingly isolated image. (Google Maps)

And barring a public sale, country to country, maybe a little private "DEAL" to buy a chunk of it with self rule rights and no extradition with the U.S. (wink, nod) 

Just like Orr'r plane crashes in Catch 22 - a method to Trump's madness.


Saturday, August 17, 2019

Log Cabin Republicans - Just Another Bunch of GOP Fakers

I always suspected that "Log Cabin" Republicans was a fake front like a secret commie organization but I won't call them pinkos even though infiltration from Russian and its dictator for life Putin could fund such fakery at this time as proven in the Mueller Report. 

They are likely well heeled and well connecgted and members and relatives of the elites of Republican power and control in this country. Most likely professionals and can't be fired from a job for being gay or denied housing. Daddy or Mommy will just write a check and buy the mansion for Johnny or Janey etc. or hire a peck of lawyers to sue anyone who denies their children and their rights as children of the masters of the universe. 

The effect they have on the real gay vote is quite moot I would imagine. 

Endorsement of Trump is just a fake kiss to a fake president from another crowd of GOP fakers.


Thursday, August 15, 2019

Netanyahu and Trump enjoy Romp in Putin's Bed $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

The late great state of Israel apparently now a new minor Soviet Republic as Commissar Netanyahu gets his marching orders from Putin via Russian A-merican Hater Tool Trump. 


Monday, August 12, 2019

Rumor In Our Conspiracy Ridden La La Land Is That Chick-fil-A will Use Paula Dean's Recipe in its New Mac and Cheese Offering LOL

Paula's Soulless White Mac and Cheeze


  • 4 tablespoons cut into pieces butter
  • 1/2 cup sour cream
  • 2 cups grated cheddar cheese
  • 3 beaten eggs
  • 4 cups cooked drained elbow macaroni
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup milk

  • Directions

    Preheat oven to 350 °F.
    Once you have the macaroni cooked and drained, place in a large bowl and while still hot and add the cheddar. In a separate bowl, combine the remaining ingredients and add to the macaroni mixture. Pour macaroni mixture into a casserole dish and bake for 30 to 45 minutes. Top with additional cheese if desired.


Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Moscow Mitch McConnell's Boys Feel Up Paper Doll for cheap sexual thrills - Funny That Was Way Different in my youth

Plenty of her to go around boys - 

Circle Jerk of Love - 

Courtesy of the Moscow Mitch McConnell campaign funds.

Trump Campaign of Hate Fueled by the Non-Hispanics? of San Antonio Texas - posted by Joaquin Castro @Castro4Congress

San Antonio's Finest Contributors 

Mary Barrett - retired
Gregory Kowalski - retired
Angela Goldsbury - retired
Larry Hudler - self-employed

August H Beck III - A H Beck foundation 
Lynn Laurence - Jack Laurence corp
Christophy Goldsbury - Silver ventures
Edward B Kelley - USAA

Melean Bowman - self-employed 
Dana Powell - homemaker
William W Greehey - Valero oil company
Patrick J Kennedy Sr - Kennedy Sunderland llp

Phyllis Browning - Phyllis Browning Co
Barry Roberts - Coates energy
Jack Gunther - retired
Samuel K Knowlton - VK Knowlton construction

Randy Cadwallader - retired
Van H Archer Jr - self-employed
Mark Hanrahan - Midamerican aerospace
Donald Kuyrkendall - Kuyrkendall co

Heidi Duke - retired
Lawrence Biedenharn - Osborn heirs co
Beth Harper - retired
Balous Miller - Bill Miller bbq

Christopher Gill - Christopher Gill associates
R H Bowman - retired
Wayne W Harwell - Harwell co
Hamid R Seyedin - US chamber commerce P R China

Bryan Grundhoeffer - same
Drew Crossland - Crossland pileline const
Roxanna Hayne - self-employed
John H Shields - self-employed

Maryjo Grundhoeffer - retired
Betty Ebron - retired
Justin Herricks - Precison pipe rental
Edward Steves - Edward Steves and sons

Jack Guenther - Performance co
Isreal Fogiel - great American co
Leonard Holzman - Liverpool ent
Hui Sun - ?

David Herrmann - retired
Larry Franklyn - retired
Harper Huddleston - same
Cheryl Tooke - Lakeside properties llc

Columbine Archbishop Charles Chaput Still Speaks the NRA/GOP Party Line on Guns and Violence

I may consider myself as a Progressive but people like Charlie Chaput, current seat holder, seat warmer, at the Cathedral over in Logan Circle but I am not a "godless progressive" as so many of Charlie's supporting crowd would label me. I care more about people than gun sales. 

Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Denver, including Columbine Colorado, at the time of that massacre of innocent American life in 1999, is still in his "moral" comfort zone stating with such Trump like PRIDE and total lack of Christian empathy that: 

"only a fool can believe that 'gun control' will solve the problem of mass violence"

The so-called "moral agents with twisted hearts" as Charlie polly parrots to gun supporters of gun violence are meal ticket for life religious parasites like Charlie Chaput. 

My sympathies to the Catholics in Philly stuck with this moral numbnut.

May the terrorist victims in El Paso and Dayton try to rest in peace. 


Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Whitewashed Sepulchres - Mike Pence and Donald Trump on Empty Condolences of El Paso and Dayton Mass Murders Fueled by White House Racist Hate

"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! 

For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness (corruption)."

~~ Matthew 23:27 (New American Standard translation 1977)


Monday, August 5, 2019

Ciudadanos mexicanos asesinados en ataque terrorista de odio en El Paso -- Mexican Citizens Slaughtered in El Paso Hate Terror Attack

I see on CNN that the Mexican Government has identified the names of six Mexican nationals murdered in Walmart in El Paso by a domestic terrorist. When I lived in Tucson AZ we were aware how strong a part of the local economy the day trippers from Mexico were at Costco and Sam's Club buying mostly bulk items that would be used in restaurants and factories on the other side of the southern border. American goods were cheaper and more readily available to this foreign entrepreneurs. I have to wonder how Trump's and the GOP's wall of hate will keep Mexican capital out of these border cities now for fear for their lives while evil old white men circle jerk around about how awful all non-white people are to our glorious decaying infrastructure of America. How soon before the layoffs in El Paso and Tuscon and San Diego to the minimum wage jobs at stores like Warmart and Costco and the other businesses that feed their families on Mexican Pesos that will no longer be so willingly traded in MAGA AFU America?
Que nuestros hermanos y hermanas mexicanos muertos en El Paso intenten descansar en paz y perdonarnos tambiƩn si pueden un poco de nuestro odio.

+ + + + + + 


Sunday, August 4, 2019

Homocide, Mass Murder, Terrorism, Genocide ? by Twitter ? in El Paso Texas

Time Magazine

I had occasion at my job in investment banking setting up trust accounts etc, to see death certificates of victims of the mass act of terrorism at the World Trade Center on 911. 

The New York City standardized death certificate has about 40 boxes to check off to aid in data complying in the Big Apple. The death certs of 911 only two boxes checked as cause of death:   -

X- "Homocide"  and   -X- "At Work".

Cause of death mass shooting in Walmart in El Paso Texas, largest mass shooting of Hispanics in American History to date: 

Time Magazine
