Friday, September 28, 2018

Lindsey Graham - Cheerleader At Dr.Ford GOP Kangaroo Court Defending Heterosexual Male Entitlement

One thing I think USAF Jag Lawyer Lindsey Graham learned hanging out in Berlin on weekends in the early 1980s after hopping a free flight on a USAF transport plane there every weekend, was how to be PC and defend the military way of life in Franfurt on Main were he was stationed, and partying like it was 1999 in Berlin (decadent, decadent), is to do what your commander wants and prosecute anybody the commander does not want around (wink,nod). What stays in Frankfurt on Main stays in Main the same way like what the Commander and his fly boys get up to and do in Berlin never happened. LOL

So no surprise yesterday when Lindsey Graham turned into a CHEERLEADER for accused sexual attacker, virgin altar boy Brett Kavanaugh it was like old times. Don't ask and we shove you out front to deal with the dirty laundry from the GOP Old White Men's Club and Chattel Owners Cartel.

Too bad Lindsey was not born Catholic. I could have seen a good career as vicar general of some archdiocese as a defender of the faith and all the buggers in the priesthood brought on by the 1,000 year sacred tradition of celibacy. And then retire as a bishop on the backs of the sheeple.

Yeah Lindsey, get out there and work up a sweat in the crowd to cheer the home team at the pep rally and we will let you handle our wet towels in the locker room.

Everybody gots to belong somedwere ja'll.


Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Harrowgate Tales - Excerpts

My latest on Kindle - Harrowgate Tales


Parade in Kensington - Harrowgate Memorial Day Parade

...The biggest event annually in Harrowgate - Kensington was the Memorial Day Parade being that most parents of school aged children in the neighborhood and areas were veterans of WWII and Korea. Old males likely vets of WWI etc. I once marched in Memorial Day Parades in high school with the North(east) Catholic High marching band of which I played Sousaphone.

One performance I personally remember was in a parade that was in Port Richmond, we were bused to different locations that day in a P.T.C. chartered bus. There I saw two amazing things. An old man of about ninety, skinny and tall and wearing what looked like a Boy Scout Uniform with some medals and looking through thick as the bottom of a Coke bottle lenses of his eyeglasses. This old guy was an actual Veteran of the Spanish American War. Small world. There too, this is the late 60's, I saw my English teacher from freshman year who at that time was a seminarian studying to be a priest, teaching on a year long sabbatical of sorts, teaching in our high school for a year, after finishing four years of college in the seminary before continuing with an additional four years of seminary training after this year of teaching. It was after all a teaching religious order and his salary from the archdiocese doubt went to support the order. 

He was no longer in a black cassock but in a white tee shirt, shorts and sandals. She was also with what must have been his girlfriend. He saw me during a break from marching and said hello with no other explanation other than to say hello and ask how Junior year was going etc. I guess he left the seminary for one reason, reasons or another etc. ...

The Long Dark Corridor

...I guess that the religious order had decided to maintain the property until it could be evaluated whether to sell it - use it, convert it etc. I think that maybe about fifteen priests and seminarians used the grand estate as a second faculty house - to relieve overcrowding in the primary faculty house – and commuting by car back and forth to the high school. 

In retrospect I connect some dots (possibly in total error) and perhaps it was the gay section of the original faculty house that went into separate quarters at this white elephant mansion.

Oh this speculation breaks down into two categories: good gays, abstaining from gay sex religious and the bad gays - actually occasionally practicing their natural instincts -

There is not much to this story except for connecting dots and wondering. In the middle of that sophomore year, a young, dynamic, charismatic seminarian teacher died in a car crash coming back from some long distance weekend duties - deacon at some parish etc. I remember his picture in the newspaper and the official speculation that he had fallen asleep at the wheel of his car in this "single vehicle collision" - And then my biology teacher, I liked him, died during the summer break.

I suppose I would not be writing this today except that in the next school year, my junior year, a very prissy but not unlikable priest blurted out something in class. Father Tom, a history teacher, said something like a veiled admission regarding the sudden tragic death of Father Ed, the biology teacher. He said something like "wrapping oneself around a highway pillar was indeed a suspicious thing to happen" while talking to the class one day, I think his comments went over many students heads... 

Chapter Two - The Long Dark Corridor

...But I got the A+++.  Been there.  Done that.  Time to move on. Etc. 

I decided then and there. I would drop his course. So much of what he had fed this class so far was his own personal bullshit full of his ambitious plan to one day run the school system downtown which he in fact did one day. I have since read many things about cults and brainwashing and such and “E.” would have made a great Jim Jones in the secular world etc. IMHO. 

I also as I have written this blog for many years have to wonder how ambitious church lady types with penises, how they rise to the top of their professions being perhaps tops and not giving a shit about who gets ground into sausage along the way, especially children.

I also have  to wonder how “E.” built his great education system as the archdiocese, one by one, shut down their inner city schools and high schools.  That glory sometimes is a story, a press release, as the world and or institution dies from attrition.  

Will the last person in the Archdiocese Education Office at “222” kindly turn off the lights as they leave the building forever. 

I also have to wonder how many times how the elites of the Education Department rubbed elbows with the Elites of the hierarchy at board meetings or gatherings over cocktails and how polite church talk and education talk never got mixed with the very real talk of child abuse and criminal cover up emanating from the Cardinal’s penthouse office suite on the top floor above?...

Monday, September 24, 2018

Sunday, September 23, 2018

USA = NO MORAL COMPASS - Brett Kavanaugh Penis Selfies Before iFone at Yale - Perverts in the WH - SCOTUS

Brotherhood of the DICK.


Catholic Prep School Rules in effect/ Affect*


Vaginas suck? Penises Rule!

First Rule of GOP Rape Club is Nobody Talks About GOP Rape Club.

Make America Grop Again.