Sunday, August 26, 2018

Racism Is A Religion Of Hate Wrapped In A Bubble Of Fear

Racism is a religion and or dogma of hate wrapped in a bubble of fear.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

The Size of Tiffany Trump's One Year Old Tits - Parental Concerns of Future POTUS and Traitor Donald Trump 1 September 1994

While on an interview aired Sept 1, 1994 of the "Rich and Famous" with the late Robin Leach in the three floor 50 room Trump penthouse at Trump Tower, Donald Trump in interview with wife number two shows concern about the size of his one year old daughter Tiffany's tits. One can never worry about such important things soon enough like also picking the right daycare for special children of the rich, famous and perverted to attend. 

Donald Trump - Great Whore of Babylon

Revelation 17:6 And I saw the man (a Whore of Babylon) drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw him, I wondered with great fear and astonishment. 

Revelation 17: 6 И увидел я человека (шлюху Вавилонскую), пьяного кровью святых, и с кровью мучеников Иисуса, и когда я увидел его, я с большим страхом и изумлением подумал.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Talk of Trump Giving Fake Pardon to Ted Cruz Sr 4 Roll In Fake JFK Dallas Exit

The last Prez to F with the CIA, over the Bay of Republican Pigs was JFK, and we all know where that went. To hell and or Texas.

The Rev. Ted Cruz Sr. already labeled an assassin by Donald J.O. Trump, the Kremlin Candidate is talking Pardon for Senator Cruz's dad to help Ted get reelected amongst all the little people of Texas. 

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Karma Aint a Bitch! Karma is a LOSER Used Condo Salesman from NYC! LOCK HIM UP!

Karma Aint a Bitch! Karma is a LOSER Used Condo Salesman from NYC!


Deep State Corporate Owned Trump's Prison Gulag System About to Spill Over Into American Civil Rights Movement

Rally in Pittsburgh supports prison strike, September 9, 2016.

National strike of Prison Workers is on. Demands for reform are in place. The long slog ahead to reform both within the Prison Industrial Gulag and the Rights of common civilian workers is on!

Inside America's biggest prison strike: 'The 13th amendment didn't end slavery'

One of the most passionately held demands is an immediate end to imposed labor in return for paltry wages, a widespread practice in US prisons that the strike organisers call a modern form of slavery. More than 800,000 prisoners are daily put to work, in some states compulsorily, in roles such as cleaning, cooking and lawn mowing.
The remuneration can be as woeful in states such as Louisiana as 4 cents an hour.
The idea that such lowly-paid work in a $2bn industry is equivalent to slavery is leant weight by the 13th amendment of the US constitution. It banned slavery and involuntary servitude, with one vital exception: “as punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted”.
Prisoners, in other words, have no constitutional rights and can be blatantly exploited.

Prisoners Bill of Rights / List of Grievances 

Guardian UK

Another Cheap Monument to Jim Crow South Toppled In Chapel Hill Overnight

Another one of those cheaply made, sheet bronze mass produced, not cast, Southern Monuments to Jim Crow South made from the 1890s onward, as the losers who fought in the CSA started to die off, was toppled by the liptard acedeemic types in Chapel Hill North Carolina last night. 

And another one bites the dust. History was on the winning side of the Abolishing of Slavery in the United States. Monuments to the foot soldiers who fought for property owners, slave owners, deserve nothing,  not even dust off Jesus's white bread sandals. 

Oh Brother!
"... Duty is the sublimest word in the English language" tell that to the beer belching Trump Trailer Trash Crowd.

(M.A.G.A. Make America Goofy Again?)

August 21, 2018 - National Babbling Moron POTUS Day - USA USA

August 21, 2018 - National Babbling Moron POTUS Day


Monday, August 20, 2018

Rudy Giuliani - "The Truth is Not the Truth" - America's Hometown Racist Mayor

Sir Rudolph Giuliani, America's hometown mayor and hometown racist who probably colluded with the Bin Laden family to build the NYC command center at 7 World Trade Center with Bin Laden Mob Concrete, says that Truth is not the Truth.

And Amadou Diallo committed Suicide. The first bullet was his (person of color ass) and the next 40 that were fired at him standing outside his apartment building, 18 of which plus his own hit him, were from concerned non-racist Giuliani Blue Shirts who saw only a person of color in their cross hairs. Win-Win for the cops and Rudy!

And acquittal of the white cops in an out of town trial in White Town Albany NY.

Ain't America Great Rudy. This from a man who did not know he was married to his wife who was also his second cousin 1968 - 1982 (Annulled) = we had no marriage, we never fuked?

Marriage is not a Marriage - Trump Era Reality (truth) Management - good old fashioned Republican Family Values.


Sunday, August 19, 2018

How Many Puppies Did Young Donald Trump Choke Before Fred and Mary Trump Had to LOCK HIM UP in Military School?

We all know that Military School for the rich's young is code for LOCKING UP the unruly young away until they are 18 and less of a legal liability, i.e. drinking, driving, knocking up Cheer Leaders etc.

Well Donald Trump's Allusion to Omarosa as a DOG and all his political enemies like Little Marco Rubio and Romney as "he choked like a dog" as part of his lexicon of sadistic phrases makes me know why there are NO PETS in the TRUMP WHITE HOUSE.

The Mormons in the Secret Service are no doubt used to sexual perversions of presidents, but even Mormons I do not think would allow a POTUS to kick or torture an animal on their watch.

Just saying.

New Zealand Don't Want No Rich White Trash From America

A while back I remember the news how New Zealand did not want former NBC Today Show Matt Lauer host to buy a ranch in that country. That the country relented and let him buy it. I thought maybe they did not want him to show his penis to little girls in New Zealand like he used to do on the set of the Today Show.

But alas now New Zealand does not want foreigners to buy land and develop it and commodize the countryside and generally fuck things up in general for the little guy in that country, the way they have fucked up the housing market here where the working class cannot afford artificial commodized housing prices to supports banks and generally fat lazy white men in the 99%. Not that Matt or his penis is that fat.

Well good to New Zealand to keeping the disease of fat lazy rich men worldwide and their buying up nature and making a quick buck off the labor of others - keeping that greed disease at a beautiful distance.

Thanks Matt. Your example and penis were finally good for something.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Omarosa - "back pocket" "BlackMail / Trump / Vatican" Style Government - the new Norm of Trump Gov;t - Lara Trump

OmArosa - "back pocket" = "BlackMail / Trump / Vatican" Style Government - the new Norm of Trump Gov;t - Lara Trump

Twitter - Facebook = Russia - Tyranny

Jack Dorsey, Mark Zuckerberg,Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump

The price of their "souls" - ? - the race to be the first Trillionaires in history.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

American CEO Failure Management 101 - or - Pennsylvania Grand Jury Kiddie Abuse Dump - 2018

 RC Pennsylvania Bishop's CEO Mission Statement (dedacted)

Last week a news dump from Harrisburg Diocese and the rest now to cover all eight dioceses more or less in the past few years of gross mismanagement from bishops and ruling archbishops who not only lack compassion not only for children but for people in general I would imagine. What kind of two faced local church CEO gets away with ignoring the cries and hurt of the least of us, the defenseless among us. etc. Well American Business CEOs can get away with taking away benefits, stripping jobs and trashing treasuries (pension funds) without legal or social consequences and still get bigger and bigger bonuses for protecting the shareholders at home and or Rome?

The revised John Jay Report on Systemic Abuse of Children of 2011 suggested that priests ordained in the 1940s and 1950s lacked social skills and could not on a micro level deal with the social revolutions of the 1960s with it social explosions of sex (birth control), drugs and rock and roll.

That the explosion of demand of the upcoming Boomer Generation being banged out by returning GIs and their mates was a demand on in two cases, a visionary building plan for more schools and seminarians / convents to fill the traditional cheap Medieval slave labor based on the wonderfully corrupt concept of celibacy, one of sacrifice at the vocations crowd at street level and more gold cups, champagne, limousines and caviar at the management level of all this. And who but dinosaurs like Spellman and Dougherty and Cushing of the old school of kiss the pope's toe and then go home and do whatever the fuck you want to or what sticks to the wall that you throw on it and it sticks like in cooking pasta? A new sacred tradition?

With massive building programs to teach the next expanded generation of Catholic boys and girls, like the confusion on any building sites, personnel always coming and going and any collateral damage to the building sites and or children is to be expected?

And if you were too focused early in your career in getting elected pope like John Krol of Philadelphia, you might in order to secure your domestic legacy be trying to patch up the mess in personnel that happened during your salad days as archbishop.

Bishop Joseph McFadden

On May 16, 1981, McFadden was ordained a priest by Cardinal John Krol at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul.[7] His first assignment was as a parochial vicar at St. Laurence Church[8] in Highland Park, where he remained for one year.[3] From 1982 to 1993, he served as administrative secretary to Cardinal Krol.[3] He was named an Honorary Prelate of His Holiness on May 29, 1991.[2]

So using a timeline thingy, Monsignor McFadden was personal secretary to Cardinal Krol both as an active archbishop and into the first five years of his retirement.

And we all know that Krol did not move out of the Cardinal's suite of rooms in the main, 1880s portion of the Cardinal's residence. The new archbishop Bevilacqua (between the lines - a name not mentioned once in McFadden's Wikipedia bio btw) had to do with carving out a new archbishop's suite with the remaining 30-40 rooms of the Great Gatsby1920s addition to that mansion. (Bought at a bankruptcy fire sale btw in 1935 for 350k by Cardinal Dougherty, that's less than 5k a room and ten acres too. This all in the Depression and after Dennis's trip to Rome and the Pope's blessing on his Fatwa against the Hollywood controlling Jews with a Catholic boycott in the AD of Philly against all cinemas. Gave the Vatican prestige and further leverage in delicate political negotiations between holy mother church and the new German regime. Wink. Nod.)

I can only imagine that half the priest personnel files of the archdiocese in Philly were scattered around the Krol end of the mansion and not available to Bevilacqua and his crowd even if he was willing to reform the priesthood and weed out the buggerers. etc.

Bevilacqua:  "I want you to tell your boss that he has to move out. It is not traditional to stay in the Bishop's palace once one has retired."

McFadden: "His Eminence wishes to remind your Excellency that if you do not like the present living arrangements, please refer it to his Holiness in Rome. A pope who owes so much to his Eminence's good will in the second papal conclave of 1978..."

That the dysfunction at the Archbishop's mansion in Philly was no doubt a microcosm on the Vatican fantasy land of the waning days of the long reigning and ailing John Paul II and his gatekeeper, the future Benedict XVI. And reflective of a lot too no doubt little niche turfs in all the little duchy dioceses in PA.

So Cardinal Wuerl's hemming and hawing in charge in Trumpland DC can say he cared about all the little people in Pittsburgh on his way to the top to the CEO perks of Archbishop of Washington DC, a bit of a yawn here.

Yawn (again)


Thursday, August 9, 2018

Philly High School Possibly Named in Tribute to Father Coughlin and His Approval of German Actions at Kristallnacht

I had to wonder when I randomly ran into this looking at some other matter, what happened to the local girl's high school in Philly, when its name got changed from its original designation of "Northeast Catholic High School for Girls" to "Little Flower High School". Something and things along the timeline from October 1938 when building permits were issued in the original designated name to dedication on August 27th 1939, five days before the invasion of Poland and the beginning of war in Europe.

There was already in place a tradition of West Catholic High for Boys first followed by West Catholic High for Girls. Only four blocks apart near University City in west Philly.

Little Flower as the compliment female school to Northeast Catholic High School for Boys was three miles apart. (The Northeast still the edge of the burbs and farms in pre-War Philadelphia County).

The working name on Little Flower may have been N.E.C.H. for girls but looking at the timeline I have to wonder about Dennis Dougherty and his still standing fatwa on the Ethnic Group the "ran Hollywood" still in place forbidding all Catholics in the AD of Philly from attending the cinema which he never rescinded. (Thank the Catholic Gawd that the good cardinal had a movie projection setup to view Hollywood movies in private in his 45-61 room (depending on estimates) mansion of his quaint home base surrounded by 10 acres on City Line Ave. in Philly. )

October the building permits:

And then Kristallnacht in November 9-10 and America's most powerful media voice of Father Charles Coughlin getting more racist to up his ratings the closer Europe crept toward War.

For years, Coughlin had publicly derided “international bankers,” a phrase that most of his listeners understood to mean Jewish bankers. In the days and weeks after Kristallnacht, Coughlin defended the state-sponsored violence of the Nazi regime, arguing that Kristallnacht was justified as retaliation for Jewish persecution of Christians. He explained to his listeners on November 20, 1938 that the “communistic government of Russia,” “the Lenins and Trotskys…atheistic Jews and Gentiles” had murdered more than 20 million Christians and had stolen “40 billion [dollars]…of Christian property.”
In a series of articles published in Social Justice during 1938, Coughlin lambasted “Jewish” financiers and their control over world politics, culminating with a story recounting his own version of the infamous 20th Century forgery, the so-called Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which purported to be minutes of meetings of Jewish leaders as they plotted to take over the world.
As Europe crept toward War. 

Philadelphia Inquirer 28 Aug 1939
On same page as LF dedication photo below.

Following two major radio stations in NYC, dropping Coughlin's broadcasts after his praise of Kristallnacht, followed by protests making the national papers of pro-Coughlin supporters outside NY radio staions, somewhere in that timeline between beginning of Construction of Northeast Catholic High School for Girls in October 1938 and the Dedication of Little Flower High School for Girls in August 1939, Cardinal Dougherty did a name change on the high school, perhaps out of sympathetic views shared with the American Papal Nuncio Cicognani and Father Charles Coughlin the head of the Radio League of the Little Flower, and his shrine in Michigan to Saint Therese of Lisiveux, a recently canonized 24 year old ? "Doctor of the Church". 

Coincidence or devotion.
Wikipedia Commons

Philadelphia Inquirer 28 Aug 1939

It is possible that Cardinal Dougherty was indeed devoted to the worship of the Little Flower saint but more likely he had to hedge a bet or a loan to Coughlin to build his cash cow shrine in Michigan, with the radio transmissions drying up with contributions. Better to have a local Wink. Nod. Michigan shrine reminder in Philly to back up offshore tax free loans to Royal Oak?