Monday, August 28, 2017

Of Statues to Fascism and Ivy League Spy Recruitment in the Cold War

Several things bother me lately. Suddenly more so than lately as well.

ONE is that the corporations and the MSM who gave Trump a free ride to the White House got what they paid for or what they thought was a deadbeat business man who would dance to the American corporate tune.

Problem with that is that Trump is already dancing that Russian dance. The MSM here and there have covered the real #LittleFinger Donald Deadbeat Trump over the decades. But his forays into not only Russia but the Soviet Union as early as some say 1987 seems rather peculiar to me. That Trump is looking for capital in the U.S.S.R. for R/E development sounds a bit unkosher to the ring of it in a traditional way.

Perhaps Soviet Generals and Commissars or KGB operatives needed money laundering in a big way and or the various ethnic mobs operating in the Soviet Union operated not in the open but were tolerated with the right amount of bribe money here and there in the many Soviet Bureaucracies.

My thought looking at it is - when exactly did the KGB recruit Donald Trump and his companies to do their bidding. 1987 or maybe even as early as 1967 in his days at Wharton @Penn.

A Penn recruitment center for spies in the middle of the Vietnam War in the Archetypal center of Capitalist business thought at Wharton (bow your heads). The KGB was never that smart but methodical, good on the long term leg work to get a bad product sold door to door.

Of course that triggers a thought to us of the big Soviet spy thing among the upper crust Brits in the Cold War at its beginning and the secrets of atomic weaponry etc.

TWO is that the media say that Donald transferred from Fordham in NYC to Penn in Philly to take the only R/E course degree available in the I-V and or Ivy League. Has anybody in the corporate media ever checked out that little gem?  And like most lies with a cherry on top, young Donald both attended classes and ran mom's company from Philly or commuting everyday by limousine?

And the Donald's deferments. Were the doctors signing off on his flat feet with little toes Philly and or NYC docs. Did they have legit Doctor's licenses. Did they do favors for frat brothers at Penn where maybe once upon a time they attended school etc. Were they Russian doctors? I remember the MSM being overwhelmed by Trump's present doc wearing Crocs on his feet and telling us that the sky is blue and the Croc Doc certifies the health of a man running for one of the toughest management jobs on the planet.

THREE that I used to live in Philly, grew up there and had to leave because it was a hate filled backwater of ignorance and quite frankly a corrupt fascist state of mind kind of place for little people like me that thought that democracy should be a little bit more liberal with dispensement of Justice to all peoples of that city.

That about the same time that Donald drifted down to Philly and the University of Pennsylvania in 1967, a fascist pig named Frank Rizzo became police chief in prelude to his run for mayor in 1971 and his changing party to Republican in a Democratic enclave in order to vie for the position of VP on the 1972 Nixon ticket. Agnew stayed on the ticket and later was sideswiped from the POTUS job because of his uncovered corruption as Governor of Maryland. How convenient and with what timing.

That and Frank Rizzo was both a racist and gay basher. That he kept records on everybody's bad habits for blackmail and or bribes perhaps and his meteoric rise to power. He kept meticulous records like J. Edgar Hoover at the FBI. And like the rumors that abound around a big homophobe like Hoover and Rizzo, the Philly police have to spend a lot of cop overtime protecting the monument to Rizzo across the street from the second empire style City Hall. Protect the statue from spray paint, eggs, and the occasional dressing up with bra panties and or dress just like J. Edgar. Wink Nod. Even talk of sending it south to South Philadelphia, an Italian enclave left in a very diverse city.

That Rizzo ran a police state as police chief and mayor that any Soviet mayor would envy and operated the kind of place where dirty little secrets could be sold to Soviet spy handlers at Penn with a lot of cold hard cash.

That the media ignore Sheriff Joe Arpaio's police state in Maricopa Country on the nearby border with Mexico all these years and only now pay any attention to him when The Donald and or the KGB have ordered his pardon - a wall separating him from justice. And triggering the memories I have of living in that police state in Philly before moving north to the NYC area some decades ago.


Saturday, August 26, 2017

Now For Something Completely Different

Centennial of the Launching of the Big Ships U.S. Navy - August 1897 - Philly and Washington Park, Deptford NJ

A possible event connected to the famous 1897 Street Scene Photo (off of a stereograph photo card by "B.W. Kilburn and Company" - Library of Congress) above between 7th and 8th Street on Market Street and the crowds main focus looking east toward 6th Street may be a G.A.R. Grand Army of the Republic, Naval veterans posts event celebrating the launch in Spring 100 years prior, the centennial, of the original 6 ships of the first Official Navy under the U.S. Constitution and the ships built with funds authorized by Congress in 1794. Launched from six shipyards along the east coast in 1797. 

The event commemoration on August 12, 1897 was at Independence Hall starting at 12:30 PM. 

I would imagine with speeches and music the Navy Vets would have been there at least two hours. And the Vets in parade form then marching over to the Arch Street Wharf, may have used 6th Street - the reason for people in balconies at 7th Street trying to get a glimpse of the then moving event amidst the flags and bunting etc. on Market Street, the main drag through Philly. 

A typical muggy Philly August afternoon with a slight overcast of clouds to mute the shadows and direction of shade to indicate a time frame of the day. 

That and some folks wanting to take a Ferry over to Washington Park in Deptford Township NJ to get a view of yacht racing and mock naval battles off Fort Mifflin in the late afternoon into evening. 

The U.S.S. United States had already been launched in May 1797 from Humphries Shipyard in Philadelphia.

Philadelphia Inquirer 13 Aug 1897


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Tearing Down Monuments Does Not Change History - CSA

Wikipedia is listing something like three incarnations of the KKK. The second of which is dated 1915-1944.

It would seems that 90% of the Confederate Statues being removed in places ruled by Democratic politicians coincide in their origins with the second Klan period and its political power of pre-WWI through the war on Fascism in WWII.

I don't think it good to remove every monument in a public park because considering city and state budgets the removal of these statues will result in voided and or ugly space in the public places where they used to occupy space. 

I am against erasing history even if I don't like that history. 

People instead of reacting the this Trump supported Alt-Right, Neo-Nazi, Neo-Confederate outburst of hatred on the American landscape should be channeled into removing these monsters from public office via the voting booth. 


Saturday, August 5, 2017

Friday, August 4, 2017

Mueller Stew (DC Grand Jury) - Donald Trump Jr - Natalia Veselnitskaya

A lawyer, a spy, a mob boss, and a money launderer go into a bar.

The bartender says: "you guys must be here to talk about adoption."
