Tuesday, November 29, 2016

With Our Inner Peace

Give me inner peace to accept 

the things I cannot change 

and have no control over.

Give me the strength to change

those things that can be changed.

Along with the wisdom 

to understand the difference.
With our inner peace, 

Strength. Courage.

Live we today seeking

our daily bread and means.

Reflections on our offenses

to others.

Letting go of the past.

With compassion,

forgive others who offend. 

And seek protection, shelter, 

from the general evil

of an imperfect world.


Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Thanksgiving - for what we are truly thankful.

You have to give to the pilgrims at the first thanksgiving feast. Eating at the Indians table, stealing their stone age technology to adapt in a hostile environment. Sitting there with their superior King James hateful Christianity, these religious deviates, these Puritans. Surviving and thanking their god for sending these Indian losers to them to use, abuse and eventually dispose of them, steal their land, culture, breath etc. A mighty god is the Christian god indeed. 

It would all have been a lot simpler if the Indians did not already live in balance with nature in the primitive pagan Stone Age, that they could have enslaved them like black men and women a little further south on the American geopgraphic landscape.

The black men and women from Africa may have been contaminated or tainted with aspects of the Iron and or Bronze Age. That once lost in a strange environment, a great deal of effort, generations lost, to orientate themselves after immediate survival in a distant harsh planet. That once you lose the Stone Age thing, you are on an uncharted roller coaster ride into the unknown of future history.

That the black folks can't talk English and don't understand numbers as in seven years for an indentured servant to serve for a ticket from the old world to start a new life. New life for white folks great. New life for Africans, an eternal nightmare.

Great that forever. Breeding people like animals all part of that same hateful King James Christianity brought here by the COE types with their written charters and stock owners back home that have to be taken care of first from any profits. And what of profit from enslaving dumb stupid Africans to meet the quarterly profit and bonuses of settlers in Virginia forever. 

That stealing is winning if you can get away with it and nobody can catch up to your crimes against ordinary people and or humanity. It is the backbone of the American way. Always has been. Always will be. No matter the fancy stuffing or window dressing. 

And of course, I am reminded of all this as I eat my pre-packaged pre-Thanksgiving dinner, a poor person's allotment in a rich land, in its black plastic institutionalized container at the local church which already has the basement filled tomorrow by appointment for the poor, allotted time at allotted table with a space age version of turkey, gravy, stuffing the consistency of stool and paper tasting reconstituted with water dehydrated potatoes. 

For what we are truly thankful, let us give thanks.  



Monday, November 21, 2016

We will celebrate in the light again one day.

We will celebrate in the light again one day.

Out of this dark age of Bannon / Trump ignorance hiding that light now that we all seek. 


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Happy Celtic New Year – Year 157 A.D. (After Darwin)

Happy New Year.  Happy Celtic New Year.  It was the global New Year long before they moved it to January 1.

The world seems to be changing very quickly.  Arab Spring. Occupy Everywhere.  Out of Iraq soon? I’ll believe that when I see it. The great non-Depression.  Etc.

It is the Celtic New Year.  The traditional New Year before the Church of Constantine hijacked the date and turned it into the Feast of the Circumcision.  (Boy, what's that all about?) 

Anyway.  I am Areligionist, without religion and dogma.  It saves on the brain cells, avoiding too many brain games etc.

Of this, I am proud in my designating a proposed new global calendar system to reflect the reality of Darwin.  Even if On The Origins of the Species was first published on November 24, 1859, I am starting or setting in motion a Cultural Christian non-religious, non-dogmatic sacred tradition and merging Nov 24 with today Nov 1, a sacred day to me because I am a Celt, in this, the new New Year ‘s day of the year 152 A.D. (after Darwin).  Cute.

Organized religion seems to be obsolete in western culture. Schools, hospitals and government are mostly secular and here in the USA the separation of church and state has been the cornerstone law of this land for over two centuries.

It is not that God is dead in so much as ancient myths and logics are misunderstood and or incompatible with this modern age. In any case – God is God; man is religion.

I pray that all of Islam wakes up one day soon. I pray that it is able to think independently of the state and the evil fascist rulers controlling the local mosque. That awakening will be Islam’s Reformation and gift to the world. 

The harder the extremists of Islam and Christianity fight for a place at the table of a fascist rulers’ feast – the greater the awakening to moderates who do not want to be told what God wants. 

Who knows what God wants ? Only madmen!

The secular sunshine of tomorrow will shine on all cultures on all continents.

Other than that, my Cultural Christian Sensibility knows that in fifty years time – all of humanity will look at all things including God and religion as either “B.D” or “A.D.” – either “Before Darwin” or “After Darwin”. - - (April 29, 2009)

I have some New Year's Resolutions and will be devoting more time to some postponed projects.  I do not anticipate being so active on this blog in the near future.

Happy New Year.  Happy 157. 

Treasure (not bless) Darwin.


