Saturday, March 7, 2015

One Corrupt Cuban Senator- Cruz (TX/Canada) Defends Another Corrupt Cuban Senator Menendez (NJ)

Send back word to Comrades Raul and Fidel, Sen. Ted Cruz, one of three Cuban Canadian/American born U.S. Senators, stepped up to bat to punt a Red Herring into Sen. Menendez of New Jersey’s DOJ Corruption investigation: 

Cuban homeboy Rafael (“Ted”), fifth columnist?, defends Cuban homeboy Sen. Menendez against Obama invented criminal charges.

Des Moines, Iowa -- Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) suggested Saturday that the Justice Department’s criminal corruption charges against Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) are political retribution against the New Jersey Democrat for opposing the White House’s negotiations with Iran.

Cruz made the allegations to a throng of reporters jammed into the corner of a tent outside the Iowa Ag Summit in Des Moines without even having been asked about the Menendez criminal charges.

“The announcement this week by the Justice Department that they were bringing charges against Bob Menendez — I will point out that the timing seems awfully coincidental that … in the very week that Bob Menendez showed incredible courage to speak out and call out President Obama for the damage that his policy is doing to our national security … the Justice Department announces they’re moving forward with the criminal prosecution,” Cruz said.

“It raises the suggestion to other Democrats that if you dare part from the Obama White House, that criminal prosecutions will be used potentially as a political weapon against you as well,” he added.
