Lack of Value of Women in Monotheistic Patriarchal Religions Affecting Female Numbers in Global Census Stats

The balance of nature in Britain is being unbalanced by ethnic groups, presumably from Monotheistic “ethnic” groups that have had Abortions based on gender and skyrocketing.

While the short term effects are probably small but science and “medicine” accompanying the worthlessness of females as heirs and ego place mats of inheritance is a trend that in a decade could realty fuck up the human race.

With the GOP and RC / Christian War on Women now winning that tangent of the greater culture war ploy of the oligarchs, well we are living in a different world. Something to think about.

Is this fucked up or what?

The illegal abortion of female fetuses solely to ensure that families have sons is widely practiced within some ethnic communities in Britain and has resulted in significant shortfalls in the proportion of girls, according to an investigation by The Independent. 

 The practice of sex-selective abortion is now so commonplace that it has affected the natural 50:50 balance of boys to girls within some immigrant groups and has led to the “disappearance” of between 1,400 and 4,700 females from the national census records of England and Wales, we can reveal. 

 A government investigation last year found no evidence that women living in the UK, but born abroad, were preferentially aborting girls. However, our deeper statistical analysis of data from the 2011 National Census has shown widespread discrepancies in the sex ratio of children in some immigrant families, which can only be easily explained by women choosing to abort female fetuses in the hope of becoming quickly pregnant again with a boy. The findings will reignite the debate over whether pregnant women should be legally allowed to know the sex of their babies following ultrasound scans at 13 weeks. 

 Some experts have argued that the baby’s sex should be withheld automatically until much later in pregnancy, when abortions are more difficult to obtain – as some NHS hospitals have already started to do.
