Thursday, June 6, 2013

Bradford County Florida Okays Shrines to all The Gods and Beliefs “Free Speech Forum” Outside Court House – Atheist Monument to go up Next to Stone Commandments of Hebrew Testament God

The rednecks in Florida put up a monument to the ten commandments of the mean desert god of Moses, Jesus and Mohammed outside some courthouse.  Now the Atheists have to do a “me too” to their non-beliefs so to speak.
Me, I would prefer to see a monument to the golden oldie of Isis in their Pantheon Garden shrine establishing the recognition of religions, gods, goddesses and other mythical paraphernalia, a religious eyesore in the Florida public square (swamp) of the human condition.

Goddess Isis

7 WTC - 911 - Tree of Life

Tree of Life Bas Relief  - 7 WTC - 911 - West Broadway and Vesey Sts. NYC
