Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Queen Elizabeth, so typically British, to Son Prince Charles "I'll give you my crown only when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.”

Retiring Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands and Liz the Brit for Life Queen

A good article on the selfless act of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands to the next generation.

Or perhaps the rest of her life. There was an interesting line in Queen Beatrix's abdication speech that may very well have been a subtle snub to Elizabeth's remark. In the three minutes she spoke, Queen Beatrix found the time to say that "the reason for me to step back now is not because the office is too much of a strain [it is not]. I am abdicating because I am convinced that the responsibility for our country should now move to the next generation". Compare that to the drawn-out public castration to which Queen Elizabeth is subjecting her son Charles. You can't help being born an heir apparent, but those who love you can help make it easier for you. Queen Elizabeth is not doing that, or so it looks to a Dutch eye.

Rand Paul’s Shadow (Tea Party) Government Shapes J Street Foreign Policy on Egypt

Rand Paul with Bibi Netanyahu in Israel Earlier in January

WASHINGTON — Sen. Rand Paul told an off-the-record meeting of conservative donors and powerbrokers Monday that he plans to file a bill that would ban sending F-16 fighter jets to Egypt.

"The crowed loved it," a source told BuzzFeed.

Last year, Lockheed Martin delivered 20 F-16 fighter jets to Egypt as part of $1.3 billion in military aid from the U.S. government, The New York Times reported.

Paul has expressed concern for the practice in the past — but his remarks via Skype to the so-called "Monday Meeting" in New York City showed even firmer support by the Kentucky senator for policies that might cater to Jewish voters, as well as Evangelical groups that are staunchly pro-Israel.
