Does USCCB - American RC Bishops support "Rape is OK" Republican Platform Cardinal Dolan?

Cardinal Dolan - Rape Is Okay so long as it results in Pregnancy?

Rape is OK Cardinal Dolan if it results in Pregnancy?

Does the USCCB also endorse the GOP "Rape is OK" Platform?

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National Republican Senate Committee Stands by "RAPE IS OK" as part of their Platform - Richard Mourdock Indiana Senate Race

Richard Mourdock - "Rape is OK" Republican Candidate for Senate in Indiana 

The chair of the Senate Republicans’ campaign arm is standing by Indiana Senate candidate Richard Mourdock after he said pregnancies resulting from rape are “something that God intended to happen.” 
“Richard and I, along with millions of Americans – including even Joe Donnelly – believe that life is a gift from God,” Texas Sen. John Cornyn said in a statement Wednesday. “To try and construe his words as anything other than a restatement of that belief is irresponsible and ridiculous. In fact, rather than condemning him for his position, as some in his party have when it’s come to Republicans, I commend Congressman Donnelly for his support of life.”

Read more:

Rape is part of God’s plan for women – Richard Mourdock – Tea Bag Cadidate for Senate in Indiana

Richard Mourdock - Tea Bag Candidate for Senate in Indiana

Richard – How do you spell A-S-S-H-O-L-E ?