Tuesday, May 29, 2012

McGuckin, Bishop of Toowoomba – Assessment on Facebook – St Marys in Exile Brisbane

Where the bloody hell is Toowoomba?

Monsignor Robert McGuckin has been appointed Bishop of Toowoomba, the ACBC said in a media statement last night. Until now, Monsignor McGuckin has been serving as Vicar General of the Diocese of Parramatta.

Since his ordination in 1973 he has served in several parishes of the Archdiocese of Sydney and, from its inception in 1986, of the Diocese of Parramatta, Bishop Anthony Fisher said in a statement.

Monsignor McGuckin said in a statement: "I’m honoured and humbled to be appointed by Pope Benedict XVI as Bishop of Toowoomba.

"I would hope to build upon the good work of my predecessors and look forward to working with the clergy, religious and everyone in the diocese," he said. "I ask for your prayers as together we strive to fulfill the mission entrusted us in building up the Kingdom of God.”

In May 2011, Pope Benedict removed his predecessor, Bishop William Morris, from his post in Toowoomba.

(Morris was removed on investigation of and recommendation of such to Rome by Archbishop Charles Chaput, then of Denver Colorado, presently of Philadelphia Pennsylvania.)

What can be read into this?
by Brian Coyne , LINDEN, NSW, Tuesday, May 15, 2012, 11:59 (10 hours, 15 minutes ago) @ Jane
I don't know the man but in the six or seven years I've been in the Parramatta Diocese in a position as an editor you tend to pick up the stories. I've also been getting some feedback since the announcement. The general assessment would seem to be "at least it's not a right wing nutter" which it could easily have been. As I wrote last night this is a pretty "safe" appointment. Bob McGuckin is reputed to be quite orthodox but in a very "safe, company man" sort of way. It certainly is not to be interpreted as any form of apology to the people of the Toowoomba Diocese for what was done to Bill Morris — no "by your leave"s there let alone "mea culpas" or "mea maxima culpas". The jury still seems to be out as to whether it is an attempt to rein in the Queensland Bishops and Church. Were there no suitable Queensland candidates worthy of elevation? Does it confirm the rumours circulating for ages that the Nuncio and those charged with responsibility for finding candidates are finding considerable reluctance on the part of the many to take on the responsibilities of a bishop, particularly in these large rural and outback dioceses? Toowoomba borders the Wilcannia-Forbes diocese and shares many similar challenges. The appointment appears to have the hallmarks of a leadership trying to "circle the wagons" in a deeply demoralised Church rather than an appointment that might be interpreted as one coming from a confident institutional leadership seeking to go out and embrace humanity and continue the "building of the kingdom". There seems little confidence that an appointment like this indicates the institutional leadership are anywhere remotely close to yet addressing the challenges facing Catholicism across Australia. Bob McGuckin is reported to be a fishing buddy of the Bishop of Broken Bay and the betting is that the consecrators will be Archbishop Coleridge (ex Canberra-Goulburn/Melbourne recently installed as Archbishop of Brisbane and Queensland Metropolitan), David Walker (Broken Bay) and Anthony Fisher (Parramatta) with the Archbishop the Principal Consecrator. As a couple of wags said "not a Queenland Bishop within Cooee". The positive vibe that's being drawn from the appointment is that it seems to indicate that Pell continues to be essentially sidelined as the dictator of all the episcopal appointments across this nation. His voice is listened to along with all the other bishops but he no longer has the sort of exclusive power he had for a few short years under JPII to be virtually dictating all appointments in this nation.

Brian Coyne


Cardinal Bertone’s Cleaning Lady Arrested

On the search for all leaks and moles in the Vatican among the evil Laity, it is rumored that Cardinal Bertone’s own cleaning lady has been arrested by Vatican Police for stealing sensitive documents from the wastebasket next to the Cardinal’s loo in his private Vatican apartment. 

Some questions from the press inquired as to where were the nuns assigned to the Cardinal Bertone’s apartment and offices as cleaning ladies, their highest possible function in the Church. The cleaning lady arrested was only a temp it was explained.
The nuns it is reported are on a religious retreat in Las Vegas Nevada at the Church of Sacred Pole Dance Monastery and Spa.

More to follow. 


Vatican Bank (Institute for Religious Works) - God and the Mafia’s Private Bank

Institute for Religious Works - Vatican Bank

A US court described it as “murky” [1] and the last President of the Vatican Bank admits that it offers secret accounts to many who “have had problems with the law”. There are no cheque books. Everything is done by transfer, by cash or in gold bullion, so as to be untraceable. This is perfect for money-laundering. And, as if the nine-metre thick walls of its tower in the Vatican did not offer enough privacy, “God’s bank” appears to have quietly established itself in the offshore financial centre of the Cayman Islands. [3]

As the bank of an independent state, the Vatican Bank escapes scrutiny from Italy. In addition, it has an impenetrable organisation, with three separate boards of directors. And it boasts another curious feature: it is said to be “never audited”, hence funds deposited there may simply vanish without a trace. [4] The Vatican Bank even maintains that it adopts the remarkable practice of destroying all of its records every ten years. [5]

