Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Monday, January 28, 2019

Trump got rid of his Illegals at Mar a Lago. Witnesses to Vladimir Putin pitching a tent in his back yard? - Just like Gaddafi in 2009

Trump got rid of his Illegals at Mar a Lago. Witnesses to Vladimir Putin pitching a tent in his back yard? - Just like Gaddafi in 2009.


The Libyan leader is scheduled to attend the UN general assembly this week. He had been struggling to find a plot to accommodate the large Bedouin tent he takes with him when travelling abroad.
Workers were seen yesterday erecting a tent and satellites in the glamorous neighbourhood of Bedford on an estate owned by Trump. Local officials tried to stop them, saying it was illegal to build a temporary residence without a permit. An ABC News helicopter filmed a large tent on the 113-acre Seven Springs estate, with rugs and patterned wall hangings. Green and yellow fabric lined the walls in a pattern dotted with images of small brown camels, according to a local newspaper website image. Last night a state department official told AP the tent might be used for entertaining by Gadaffi, but he would not be sleeping there.
Doors all over New York have been slammed in the colonel's face, but Trump says he has rented part of a large property in Westchester county to Middle Eastern tenants who may be associated with Gadaffi.

Donald Trump says he made "a lot of money" in a deal years ago with Muammar Gaddafi, despite suggesting at the time he had no idea the former Libyan dictator was involved in renting his suburban New York estate.
"Don't forget, I'm the only one. I made a lot of money with Gaddafi, if you remember," Trump said in an interview with CBS' "Face the Nation" that aired Sunday. "He came to the country, and he had to make a deal with me because he needed a place to stay."
"He paid me a fortune. Never got to stay there," Trump said. "And it became sort of a big joke."
The presumptive Republican nominee was talking about a bizarre incident in 2009, when Gaddafi was in desperate search of a place to pitch his Bedouin-style tent during a visit to New York for a meeting of the U.N. General Assembly.
After trying and failing to secure space in Manhattan's Central Park, on the Upper East Side and in Englewood, New Jersey, the Libyan government turned to Trump's 213-acre Seven Springs estate in suburban Bedford, New York.


Saturday, January 26, 2019

Stone Manafort & Co. Sabotaging American Elections Since Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Trump - Remember Willie Horton

Half a century in the shadows of election "dirty tricks" - both sides do them - but they have grown out of Frat House like pranks into stealing elections for Russian Oligarchs etc. like at present with Trump.

Willie Horton

Remember Willie Horton, October Surprise in 1988, that played the RACE CARD without using the race word. All in all or in some other cut, Stone, Manafort and Atwater were, are, behind the scenes in some measure for decades in the corruption of the process by which we elect our national officials. 

Roger Stone

Lee Atwater

Now an incompetent American "Business Man" - a professor Harold Hill in Musical abilities as a metaphor, and useful Pawn of Russian Intelligence has opened a Pandora's political box and out falls Stone and Manafort and Atwater, who died at a young age, not to be judged now for the evil that has lived after him. 


Friday, January 25, 2019

From All the Unpaid U.S. Government Workers to U Donald Trump and 2 Your Mom...

The first play I saw in New York in 1978 was the Gin Game with Jessica Tandy and Hume Cronyn, that famous husband and wife acting team. 

The one line I remember most is the punch line at the end of one act in which Jessica retorts to the verbal cruelty of her temporary Gin partner in I think an old age home. 

The line is a popular Russsian Curse трахни свою маму that roughly translates into English as "F**k your mother"! Well acted Jessica. 


Thursday, January 24, 2019

Covington Catholic High School KY - We Went To Washington DC to Deny Reproductive Rights to Women and All We Got Was A Lousy MAGA Tee Shirt

Covington Catholic High School KY:

 - We Went To Washington DC to Deny Reproductive Rights to Women and All We Got Was this Lousy F*king MAGA Tee Shirt.


Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Trump and Putin's Symbols of Hate Should Not Divide Us

Nick Sandmann and his Anti-Abortion, Anti-birth control, Anti-Vagina hanging out event and his white male privileged mates wandering around the Washington Mall near the Lincoln Monument after their March For Life outing and with a little too much teenage testosterone thrown in encountered a world different than that of Covington Kentucky. Add the red MAGA cap to stir the BULLs and they encountered Black "Israelites" and Native Americans demonstrating their various causes and not "protesting" as Fox News would misframe the picture and you get a mix of freedom of speech and waiving a red flag and or MAGA cap at other people and provoking them by the cliche of Hate, the hat symbol, announcing who and what you are and it is not Christian and or "Catholic". It may be safe to wear the MAGA cap at the Mall in Kentucky or to Covington Catholic High School sporting events along with black faced students in "sporting" enthusiasm, and you get the current reality reported in various degrees on so-called Fake News. 


Monday, January 21, 2019

Mike and Karen Pence and Their Brand of Dog Shit Christianity


"Karen and I have been in and around public life for almost two decades, and so to be honest with you we’re used to the criticism," the vice president said. "But the attacks on Christian education by the mainstream media have got to stop."

"We cherish the freedom of religion in this country. This administration stands four-square for the freedom of religion of people of all faiths, and to see the mainstream media criticize my wife because she’s choosing to return to the classroom of an elementary Christian school is wrong," Pence declared.

"Again, the attacks on Christian education must end," he repeated.

I do not attack Christian education. I condemn hypocrits like the Pences hiding in the cover of their faults in their closets of sorts to look down on and judge others and their life styles. 

Their sort of Christianity is the kind you step in on the street - more like Dog Shit than the teachings of Jesus. 


Nick Sandmann - Covington Catholic High School KY - IT's The HAT Stupid! Symbol of HATE - Where is Your Pope Frank Hat? DUH

"I never understood why either of the two groups of protestors were engaging with us, or exactly what they were protesting at the Lincoln Memorial. We were simply there to meet a bus, not become central players in a media spectacle. This is the first time in my life I've ever encountered any sort of public protest, let alone this kind of confrontation or demonstration.
"I was not intentionally making faces at the protestor. I did smile at one point because I wanted him to know that I was not going to become angry, intimidated or be provoked into a larger confrontation. I am a faithful Christian and practicing Catholic, and I always try to live up to the ideals my faith teaches me -- to remain respectful of others, and to take no action that would lead to conflict or violence.


Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Karen Pence to Teach in Exclusive White Evangelical School in Virginia - 10K Plus Tuition excluding Lunch and Uniforms, Parking Fees

SLOTUS (Second Lady of the United States) needs money. Husband'a recent raise frozen in the government shutdown. 

Katen Pence who has no Public Service interests to espouse like Military Families, Drug Addiction or Reading for Children will teach finger painting ? at the Immanuel Christian School in Virginia. 


With Government Shutdown, State of the Union to be Submitted in Writing (?) Just Like with President George Washington


For reasons of securtity by no funding for Secret Service or Homeland Security, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi suggests submitting the State of the Union in Writing for delivering the SOTU from the Oval Office. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Russian Bastard Trujmp Still In White House - Time for a Beria Meme?

Slovenian First Lady wastes (launders) Inaugural Funds on more face, body lifts.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Russian Shutdown of American Government reaches 22 Days. - Trump Rants. McConnell Goes Home to Kentucky Restaurant for Dinner

McConnell likely ate dinner last night at a Bardstown road Restaurant in Kentucky. His Princess wife can't cook.

Hundreds of thousands of federal employees cannot pay the rent, mortgage, car payment, insurance co-pay, prescription, groceries, living on air as the Trump/McConnell Government Shutdown reached 22 days. 

Thank you Vladimir Putin for causing so much chaos in America. Remember bro. What goes around, comes around. 

Tried and True Trump Family "Wall" Grifter Scam in Texas 1880s - Backtrack "The End of the World" 1958

Trackdown (CBS TV - 1958) "The End of the World" episode about Trump's great uncle Walter pulling a scam in Texas trying to sell them a magical "wall of protection" around their homes against the forces of nature - in this episode of true western tales told from records of the Texas Rangers. 

"Trackdown" The End of the World (TV Episode 1958) - IMDb


Friday, January 11, 2019

More Russian Commie Spies to Get Free Pass Across Border with a Trump H-1B Visa


WASHINGTON — U.S. President Donald Trump said on Friday he is planning changes to the H-1B program that grants temporary visas to highly educated immigrants who work in specialty occupations such as technology or medicine.
"H1-B (sic) holders in the United States can rest assured that changes are soon coming which will bring both simplicity and certainty to your stay, including a potential path to citizenship," Trump said on Twitter. "We want to encourage talented and highly skilled people to pursue career options in the U.S."
It was unclear what Trump meant by a "potential path to citizenship" for H-1B visa holders, who already are eligible to be sponsored by their employers for legal permanent residency, which would make them eligible to become U.S. citizens.

Mike Pompeo - A Pussy's Pussy - US Secretary of State ( Satan ) Trump's Discilple

After fucking up the CIA under Trump, now on to fucking up Global Foreign Policy set down by generations of sane sober American adults in government. 

Let the horns of hell sound. Hell is let loose on the planet. 

Anti-Christ! Putin's Lap Dog!


Sunday, January 6, 2019

End of Christmas Season Story (Jan. 6 Epiphany)

End of Christmas Season Story (Jan. 6 Epiphany)

We were in for some music practice the day or two after Christmas in 1968. After the practice, the head of the Music Department tells me he just got a call from the manager at the Northeast Diner across the intersection and wanted someone to play a few Christmas tunes for the customers. Sounded strange as my instrument was a Sousaphone. A couple music fellows help me with a music stand for my music and we get to the middle door of the diner and struggle to get the tuba instrument into the doors. Somebody saw an opening at the back of the diner with a big couch like seat against the window that served several tables in line with it.

We pulled out a table. I sat on the couch seat and someone put up the music stand and music in front of me and the then I let out some notes. Rather loud from a large instrument in a small space. Then some guy comes over yelling and wants to know what we were doing. I explained that we were from North Catholic and playing Christmas Carols. And I don't know if I ever say anything about the telephone call from the diner's manager requesting the music. I believe the shouting guy got me to my feet by pulling on the ring of my Sousaphone and I was on my feet and soon a was being pushed out the side door, me and my instrument out the door and into the sidewalk and or street. Apparently the shouting guy was the manager and he knew nothing about the North Catholic's Music department's little joke on me. 
Ha. Ha. 

Apparently, the Music Director had a reputation for big practical jokes. He a mile a music academic degrees, awards and credits going back to his days at Mastbaum technical High School, where I understood later he had the Rep of having more keys to the rooms in that school and teachers coming to him than the Janitor to get into their rooms etc. Something of a Hogan's Heros music student inmate running the Mastbaum public high school behind the scenes so to speak. Whatever. (how do you spell young Philly thug?)

The long and short of this after I was embarrassed to death by being thrown out of the Northeast Diner for trying to play Christmas Carols.

The two guys with me in the prank, one also played the Sousaphone and had begged for himself and not me to play the carols in the Northeast Diner. No go. I guess the Music Directer had me lined up as the mark in that scenario.

Anyway we return to the music room and the director says he got a message and had not talked to the diner manager directly etc. Plausible deniability? 

My colleague, the other Sousaphone player got permission to take a Sousaphone down the street and play Christmas tunes at the Elevated "El" station. This he did.

A week later, after Christmas vacation, Principal Corcoran came into the Music Room with a letter he had got from some concerned citizen about how my colleague with his Sousaphone and his playing carols at the train station was so in the spirit of North Catholic and the values that it taught to young men. Congratulations to your school etc.

Don't know about the politics of all this, but about a year later, my younger colleague got nominated and elected Class President for the next class after ours was about to graduate. A coincidence? 

Rum a Pum Pum - Bum. 

Friday, January 4, 2019

Skin Head Government - Trump White (Caucasian?) House - Jan 3, 2019

Amazing how Trump who despises Unions needs union reps from the ranks of the National Border Control Council to talk to us about how their cushy little jobs depending on anything that generates activity (more chaos) and or construction on the border. 

Build a wall in Naco and the cartels build superior tunnels etc. to get the product home to Fifth Avenue and Trump Tower, for some of its primary customers etc. 

As for the Tucson rep, I have to wonder if he was one of those people who use to look into your car on the off ramps at Rio Rico or Tumacacori, where all traffic north got waived off and detained for sometimes half an hour or more in the heat, after spending a grimy Saturday morning across the border from the Nogales AZ side of the border and venture into shack town Nogales Mexico to buy prescription drugs or see a doctor for my son when we had no health care working minimum wage jobs w/o benefits in Tucson when we got stuck there financially in the 90s. Racial profiling as they look into your car on route 19 north right above Nogales AZ, looking for illegals. My wife is Hispanic and does not look it, but if they grabbed us on looks, we would have probably spent 24-48 detained somewhere where I at least could claim American citizenship but my wife whose PR accent and native born American citizenship would be moot and would have probably detained her and our child for days in legal limbo. 

Do something about legal immigration. Don't bring out your cut and or uncut ICE Union Reps out for Mattel doll display.

Union Jobs (on the border) Matter?
